What Do Chinese People Expect to See in 2015? Political leaders - TopicsExpress


What Do Chinese People Expect to See in 2015? Political leaders from all around the world have released New Years messages, and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) president Xi Jinping is no exception. Let’s see what Chinese people remarked on in 2014 and what they expect to see in 2015. On the last day of 2014, Xi Jinping delivered his 2015 New Year greeting via CCP mouthpieces. Xi said 2014 had seen boost in reform and anti-corruption issues. However, many Chinese civilians think there is still huge gap between CCP officials’ speech and real life. Wang Lan, Shaanxi petitioner: ”There is no change at all in our people’s real life. Yes, some corrupt officials have been arrested. But why don’t you execute them whose crimes clearly deserve more than death for our people? Furthermore, now military trucks had to be used to carry away embezzled properties of corrupt officials. Why not use the money on medical care, education or people’s livelihood. Why not use it to control prices and give our civilians some relief in daily expenses?” Xing Jian, volunteer of 64tianwang: ”When I went to the State Bureau for Letter and Call, there were still so many petitioners that they could hardly be lined up. The security guard said 2,000 people visited each day.” Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign had resulted in the fall of many “tigers” and “flies” in 2014. Xing Jian said punishment against corrupt officials was also seen in his home town.” Xing Jian: ”Some time ago, Li Changgen, former secretary of Political and Law Commission and head of Public Security Bureau in Xinyang, had been put into discipline investigation. Li had framed my family and currently he is in a detention center.” Despite this, Xing Jian said the anti-corruption campaign did not improve his life in any way. His grandmas on both mother’s and father’s sides were still illegally detained as they petitioned at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing half a year ago. Xing Jian himself was also facing illegal detention as he built a rights defending website Siyibao (siyibao.cc). In his New Year address, Xi Jinping mentioned, “I want to praise Chinese people.” However, many democrats said the story of Xing Jian and many others made it impossible to “praise the year of 2014.” Many corrupt officials were arrested, but many dissidents and democrats were also under detention or suppression. Freedom of online speech and the press had been under tightened control in 2014. Ma Qiang, pro-democracy activist: ”I would say 2014 is a year of darkness for China’s democracy movement. A large number of people were arrested, covering all social classes and professions. We are extremely distressed.” Netizen “Moonlight Blog” said, “2014 is a year of loss. This year, Chinese netizens lost Google, Gmail, Dropbox, Instagram, Onedrive, Flickr, many video chat applications and subtitle websites as well. The number of available websites for us is plummeting. The year has to be a year of loss. In spite of this, I still hope we won’t lose even more in 2015…” Xi Jinping also gave his 2015 prospects in the New Year address. Meanwhile, Chinese civilians interviewed by NTD expressed their expectation of democracy and freedom in 2015. However, none of them put hope in the CCP’s regime. Wang Lan: ”First of all, I wish early accomplishment of democracy and freedom in China. At least our people should have voting rights. CCP officials’ assets should be declared. The whole autocratic regime must be eliminated. Prisoners of conscience such as Wang Zang and Zhui Hun must be released.” Zhu Xinxin, independent writer: ”I have no expectation in the CCP in 2015. I only want to say the following to our people: ‘we are destined to fight against the CCP and take the responsibility of developing our society. Freedom is never given by the authority. It is our natural rights.’” Democrat Ma Qiang comments that 2015 can be a worse year than 2014. But generally speaking, more Chinese will awaken at a deeper level in the year. Chinese civilians will gradually understand how bad the CCP’s system is as they stand closer to the free world. Those people will become the pioneers of the fight against the CCP’s dictatorship. - See more at: cn.ntdtv/xtr/b5/2015/01/02/a1165726.html#sthash.k7D93vr9.dpuf
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 06:02:59 +0000

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