What Do Your Numbers Mean? The Angels Will Fill You In. By - TopicsExpress


What Do Your Numbers Mean? The Angels Will Fill You In. By Doreen Virtue Angel Numbers 101 Book by Doreen Virtue When we ask the angels for help, they always answer… and sometimes they respond with direct intervention. For instance, you ask for a better job and voilà!—a friend telephones to say that her wonderful company is now hiring. Most of the time, though, the angels answer us with Divine guidance. Divine guidance leads us in positive and healthful directions, and it can come to us as intuitive feelings, brilliant ideas, visions and dreams, or signs. Signs include anything significant we see or hear that answers our questions or needs. For instance, you wonder if the angels are with you and you look down and see a white feather on your office floor… but there’s no logical source for the feather. Or you wonder which healing profession you’d most enjoy studying and within one week, three different people bring up the subject of herbology. One of the most common signs the angels send us are number sequences such as 111, 333, and 1234. Numbers are among the primary tools that angels use to communicate with us. You might see these sequences on automobile license plates, telephone numbers, grocery-store receipts, or the change that a clerk hands to you. Most people notice the repetition of certain number sequences and begin to wonder, What does this mean? I’m among those who are curious about number symbology. As a longtime student of Pythagorean numerology, I’ve wondered whether repetitive digits are significant beyond their mathematical functions. My studies show me that they are! The angels taught me long ago that they’ll help us with anything, provided that we ask for that assistance. After all, the angels can’t violate our free will. Instead, they wait for us to request help before they’re allowed to intervene in our lives. Over the years, I’ve discovered that there are no limits as far as the areas in which the angels can assist us (and believe me I’ve searched!). Our celestial guardians want to help us with every nuance of life including health, happiness, fears, career and finances, relationships, family, travel, and so forth. So when I wondered about the meaning of number sequences, it was only a matter of time before I had the “aha!” realization that I could ask the angels for help with that, too. So I sat in meditation with paper and pen (and occasionally with my laptop) and went down the list of numbers from 0 through 999. The angels gave me keys to understanding the vibrational meanings of each number, and the cumulative significance of groups of numbers. I first published my findings in a section of my book Healing with the Angels. That one chapter generated a strong reaction from my readers and workshop attendees, who wanted to know the meaning behind their particular number sequences. So I put together a little pocket book called Angel Numbers to address their questions. In the meantime, I continued asking the angels for information about the meanings of numbers. The additional information they gave me warranted an entirely new book—Angel Numbers 101. The more that I give “angel number readings,” the more I find the exquisite simplicity in this message system. In fact, simplicity is one reason for this updated book. The angels want us to clearly understand their messages, which are often conveyed by repetitive number sequences. Hence, the 101 in the title of book, as when something is referred to as “101,” it’s considered a primer of some sort (for example, an English 101 course). In Angel Numbers 101, I’ve received angelically guided meanings that are very simple, down-to-earth, and practical. This is a reference book that enables you to understand the meanings of the numbers you see, and also lets you know what to do with that information. For example, the angels are often guiding you to your next step by showing you an encouraging number such as 7. But what if you want encouragement from people around you but they aren’t giving it to you? This is what the angels have told me: “You can meditate upon any number sequence in order to bring its vibrational properties into your life.” In other words, if you’d like more abundance in your life, then draw or look at lots of number 8s. As you read the numbers below, look for sequences and messages that describe your goals, desires, and intentions. Then write these numbers (and messages, if you desire) on a piece of paper where you can frequently look at it and meditate upon the numbers. Since the angels give you guidance with respect to every area of your life, as you read the meaning of number sequences, notice your inner dialogue, as well as your thoughts, visions, and feelings, because this is how your angels personalize their messages. So while you’re absorbing the general meaning of a number sequence, your angels will whisper exactly how that message applies to you. Your Angel Numbers Guide May you enjoy talking to your angels through the fascinating world of number sequences! Left Angel Wing 0 Right Angel Wing God is talking to you. When you see a zero, it’s a sign of the endless circle of Omega without beginning or end. God is trying to get your attention with a word of reassurance or Divine guidance. Left Angel Wing 1 Right Angel Wing Stay positive. Everything you’re thinking about right now is coming true, so be sure that you’re only thinking about what you desire. Give any fears to God and the angels. Left Angel Wing 2 Right Angel Wing Everything’s fine and will continue to be so. Keep believing, especially since your feelings of hope lead to more positive outcomes. The angels can buoy your faith if you’ll ask for their help. Left Angel Wing 3 Right Angel Wing The ascended masters are helping you—usually this means an ascended master you feel close to—for example, Jesus, Quan Yin, a saint, or some other spiritual/religious figure. Left Angel Wing 4 Right Angel Wing The angels are with you. They send you the number 4 to reassure you that they’ve heard your prayers and are helping you. Left Angel Wing 5 Right Angel Wing A significant change is occurring, always for the better. It’s a good idea to call upon Heaven for help with life changes. Left Angel Wing 6 Right Angel Wing Don’t worry or obsess about material items, including money. Worry lowers the effectiveness of your prayers. Fortunately, the angels can answer your prayers if you ask them to. Left Angel Wing 7 Right Angel Wing You’re on the right path, and the outcome will exceed your expectations! The number 7 is a sign that Divine magic is supporting you and opening doors of opportunity. Left Angel Wing 8 Right Angel Wing The number 8 signifies abundance and prosperity. The endless loops in this number signify an infinite flow of money, time, ideas, or whatever else you require (especially for your life purpose). Left Angel Wing 9 Right Angel Wing Get to work, Lightworker—now! The number 9 means that you’ve completed all of the prerequisites to achieve your life purpose. Stop procrastinating, as it’s time to start taking action steps. Even baby steps are useful. Left Angel Wing 10 Right Angel Wing God wants you to hold positive thoughts about this situation, as everything is working out for your highest good. Call upon God to help you stay optimistic, as your thoughts are an influencing factor in the outcome. Left Angel Wing 11 Right Angel Wing Stay positive! Your thoughts are materializing rapidly, so you want to ensure positive outcomes by focusing only on the good within yourself, others, and this situation. Left Angel Wing 12 Right Angel Wing Keep your thoughts positive about the future, as what you are thinking influences your future. This is a message to keep your faith and hope strong, because these are strong determining factors right now. Left Angel Wing 13 Right Angel Wing The ascended masters (such as Jesus, Quan Yin, and so on) are with you, helping you maintain a positive outlook. The number 13 signifies that female ascended masters and goddesses are assisting you in staying positive.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:41:55 +0000

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