What Does an Ambush Site Look Like? There are many types of - TopicsExpress


What Does an Ambush Site Look Like? There are many types of Ambush Sites and I believe that all who have ever entered into one has experienced a degree of fear that is second to nothing. You are intent on looking to the left, then the right, a quick unneeded glance to the rear and then forward. You have been on patrol so many times, that this is second nature. Then suddenly you stop, as you realize that because you did not bother to look down, that you have put yourself in a terrible spot. You find that you are walking through a narrow pathway that has been cut out of what resembles a hedgerow. The hedges appear to have been cut to approximately knee level. Once you walk through this narrow opening, there appears to be no cover for at least one hundred and fifty meters in any given direction. This is the point where fear grips you so tight it feels as though you can’t breath. Your hands, feet and forehead begin to sweat. You feel tightness in your legs so bad that they begin to hurt. You need to run, but where? Then a team member puts his hand on your should. At first you jump, what seems to be ten feet in the air. Then you realize it was just a sense of a sudden and greater fear for your life. Just then your eyes meet his and you sigh with relief, for your recognize the friendly face. At this moment he speaks. “What is wrong”? You quietly explain your observations. Once you have completed the friendly face smiles and with a little chuckle he explains to you this Ambush Site was discovered a few days back, he then apologias for not having told you sooner. This fear is of such magnitude that you will never know this exact feeling ever again in your lifetime. This is a memory that one should never have, but many do. Thanks to an enemy “Ambush Site”. J. Paul Johnsen
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 22:44:50 +0000

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