What Durvesh Shah A Muslim Saint Said About Shirdi Sai - TopicsExpress


What Durvesh Shah A Muslim Saint Said About Shirdi Sai Baba Imambhai Chotakhan heard the greatness of Shirdi Sai Baba at the age of 65 years. He lived in Vaijapur about 40 km. from Shirdi, in Aurangabad district. He was surrounded by problems. He consulted a Muslim Saint, Durvesh Shah, for a way out of his problems. And that time he was much disturbed by a legal proceeding in the court between him and his parental aunt. Durvesh Shah said,”Child, there is a person living in Shirdi. He is greater than all the great souls. He is all-powerful. If He showers His grace, then nothing is impossible. He is one with almighty God. Have His darshan and pray to Him. Your wishes will be fulfilled.” Therefore he visited Shirdi. He met Sai Baba near Gonkar’s house. At that time Dixitwada was being built (1910) and the Sadhu Vijayanand Swami from South India was here. Sai Baba was standing and a lady was taking darshan in this lane. Imambhai had a doubt about Shirdi Sai Baba’s spiritual greatness according to His religious background. He thought,” How could a Fakir accepting and propagating Hindu rituals like Aarti, Dhuni, worship, could be one of the greatest souls.” So, Durvesh Shah had advice him to repeat the first chapter of Koran behind Sai Baba’s back, and not to accept any gift from Him. Accordingly he stood behind Baba at some distance and started the repetition of the first chapter of Koran, with the word ‘Bismila’ in his mind. As soon as he began, Sai Baba turned around and faced him. Angrily He said,”Who are you? Why have you come to ask me something as if you are my father?” and Baba showered abuses at him. He was terrified. Then, Sai Baba went to Mosque (Dwarkamai), uttering words which were impossible to understand. *****shirdisaistories/(Alphesh Patel)
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 03:19:14 +0000

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