What God Can Do About This Mess I Made? Posted: 14 Oct 2013 - TopicsExpress


What God Can Do About This Mess I Made? Posted: 14 Oct 2013 05:43 AM PDT Sometimes couples in my office are hopeless. They have had years of mistrust, broken promises, painful arguments, and are not sure if they still love one another and often dont care. This is the scenario far too often. I always let them speak and tell me what they perceive as their biggest problems. I attempt to prayerfully ascertain their relationship to Christ. Before they go though; I try to paint for them a picture of what their life could be; in Christ, by His Spirit, and living out His Word in their home. It is a life after unconditional love and forgiveness flood in. I want them to know that ...all things work together for good... Solomon writes, For I was my fathers son, tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother. (Proverbs 4.3) Isnt that precious, pure, heart-warming, intimate? When you read that verse, do you feel anything but joy, contentment in relationship? Why is that a big deal, and what does it have to do with failed marriages and major failures in life in general? What does it have to do with that couple in a mess who are ready to go to divorce court? Everything! This verse is Solomon writing about his father David who murdered his most loyal soldier. Uriahs wife Bathsheba, and David had an immoral affair is what produced this son Soloman. Could it be that God can take the worst of the ash heap of our life, and even turn that into something beautiful? Absolutely! I know he took my worst, washed it in his own blood, and then took me to a place a brokenness and raised up out of the burn pile of my mess, a trophy of His grace. What do you need the healing hand of God on today? You know - He can do it! Will you let Him? Does God use this in your life? Feel free to direct a friend to it and have them subscribe at the bottom of the blog page. Would you like to comment or respond? Then go to the original blog through WWW.OHBC.US , select Pastors Blog, and post your comment. Thank you for spending this time together in the word.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 09:41:51 +0000

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