What God told me on Day 7, The final day of our Prayer Fast: I - TopicsExpress


What God told me on Day 7, The final day of our Prayer Fast: I hear ALL of your prayers My son. Even when you dont pray to Me, I can hear your heart. I saw you get on your knees and pray to Me every day this week. You took initiative and prayed to Me from the bottom of your heart and soul. Son, prior to your prayer fast, when was the last time you got on your knees and prayed to Me? I AM your Heavenly Father; I AM God. You must continue to strengthen your relationship with Me. Do not pray to Me, and then satisfy your worldly desires. Pray to Me and live for Me. Quench the thirst of your Soul. It brings Me joy when I see you overcome temptation. Understand that you do yourself a favor when you defeat the tempter. Do not try to become perfect overnight. I AM well aware of your trials and tribulations; your struggles. Every little change you make strengthens you. Do Not fear evil. Evil has already lost the war. You belong to Me. Therefore, evil has no power over you. You called on Me with zero obligation. You asked for My help with your free will. That, My son, makes Me proud of you. Although the world hates me, I see that you love Me. Remember, I AM always in control. The world will try to deceive you... Stand firm in your faith in Me. Encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ. Strengthen your Unity. Do not worry and do not criticize one another. You represent Rakhma (Love). Negativity has no place in your heart. Dont stop now. You have just begun. I Love You! -God-
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 22:08:31 +0000

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