What Grain Village Wants For Complete Peace Of Mind #SAFETYFIRST - TopicsExpress


What Grain Village Wants For Complete Peace Of Mind #SAFETYFIRST @markreckless 21-12-2014 08.11am Good Morning Anyone following my campaign for answers will have seen my attacks and my anger at the Politicians who have not just failed the residents of Grain Village but have now on mass joined forces to try using the silent approach, emails blocked, social media accounts blocked, freedom of information requests refused and even the off site emergency plan removed from public scrutiny, all to hide their mistakes, in short spineless politicians without the balls to admit they got it wrong and have compromised the safety of the whole of our village. What sickens me the most is the refusal to admit they got it wrong and their on mass attitude towards the safety of this village. So what do I want to see happen? The following must all be carried out before any further planning or building at Grain LNG is allowed, it must not just be a priority it must be a requirement and it must be fully funded by National Grid / Grain LNG. I am meeting with a local politician on the 22nd December 2014 to discuss these very important issues. To date we know and can prove the following, no matter how silent our politicians stay and no matter how much they all stick together all of the below are facts. The road closure is an absolute must happen and quickly in an emergency, this will not happen under the current plan, panic will set in and unaware of the dangers residents will encroach into a danger zone making things worse. The fire station is not manned 24/7 and this is a must have situation to help in any emergency and to aid from within any situation that may arise froma large gas leak or explosion. The alarm is simply not fit for purpose and the residents are not even to this day aware of what it means and more importantly what to do, that is a disgrace and our councillors, both Parish and Local should be ashamed of their lack of commitment to the safety of this village. The school and our village hall, both points of so called safety and a place to gather are not fit for purpose during a major incident. So what do I want to see happen ?? 1. The off site emergency plan must be made public and must be open to scrutiny without councillors or government interference, their meddling to date simply because they got it wrong is endangering lives. 2. A gas self fully operational school must be built, to protect and supply the basic needs during an emergency, oxygen, food, water etc must be available even If the worst has happened, our children must be fully protected and their safety virtually guaranteed if they are to be locked in ( Locked in is Medway Councils answer to date ) The school at the moment is just a prefabricated structure and would fail any emergency test. 3. The same must apply to our village hall, but in this case it must be fit for purpose to hold and contain, feed, water and protect the whole village, food, water, oxygen etc 4. The road closure points must be fully automatic and during a real emergency they must close at both ends of Grain road immediately, signs must be on these barrioers with gas escape warnings. 5. The whole village but most importantly the school must be fully trained in what to do during a real emergency and all residents must be aware of the real risks and what to do. 6. There will be more, but that can evolve as planning is requested by National Grid, we must be involved in our own safety and our politicians must listen 7. Going back to BP days, what about something for the residents who are being placed at risk? Full payment of all council tax for all Grain residents, either by National Grid or as an exemption because of where we live. Why shouldnt Grain residents get a little in return for the risks placed upon them and for allowing these huge sites on our doorsteps The above are not requests they are demands, any councillor or politician who Ignores this issue from here on in should not be in office One last word that was pointed out to me earlier this week ALARP This fight goes on, regardless of the silence of our gutless councillors and MPs Regards Jack Hope
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:17:46 +0000

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