What Happened in the World 100 Years Ago - 06/07/1914 An enormous - TopicsExpress


What Happened in the World 100 Years Ago - 06/07/1914 An enormous American steamer, the Alliance, became the first of many vessels to pass from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean by way of the Panama Canal. The finished canal is 50 miles long and from 100 to more than 300 yards wide. Ferdinand deLesseps (1805 – 1894) of France, who built the Suez Canal in Egypt, started to work on the Panama Canal in 1879. In 1903, the American government purchased the rights to the canal and completed the project. 美国一艘巨大的轮船,联盟,成为第一个经巴拿马运河从大西洋驶向太平洋的船只。巴拿马运河全程约50英里长,100到300多码宽。1879年,曾经在埃及修建苏伊士运河的法国人,费迪南德·德拉斯普斯 (1805 - 1894),开始修建巴拿马运河。 在1903年,美国政府购买了该运河的权利并完成修建运河项目。 [English]: The Panama Canal was opening to traffic. [[Chinese]: 巴拿马运河开通。 [Traditional Chinese]: 巴拿馬運河開通。
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 01:33:17 +0000

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