What I Am Thankful For- a short story by Aaron - TopicsExpress


What I Am Thankful For- a short story by Aaron Wiesenfeld Normally I do not post things on Facebook regarding my family, but due to today being Thanksgiving it is an exception to the rule. What I am posting about is what I am thankful for- something which hits home and is very emotional for me to talk about. For the past couple months I have witnessed friends, family, coworkers, and just about anyone I know doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. To everyone who has taken the time and effort to do this, I thank you: you have no idea how much this means to me. Because of ALS (also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrigs disease), I was never able to meet my grandfather Richard Anderson. For 18 years on this planet I have wondered who this man was, how he would have lived today, and all of the grandson-grandfather conversations we would have had. Richard Anderson died at a very young age to a disease with little or no hope of overcoming. My grandfather (as relayed through my family) was an extraordinary man who cared about everyone and everything. He was a good father, a person dedicated to his religion, and a lover of football. He could have changed my life. Today I wished that he was still here and we were watching the Seahawks game together, on Thanksgiving, as a family: it is a dream I will always have. Everyone who has taken a stand against ALS by doing the Ice Bucket Challenge and donating money towards research has helped me heal bit by bit. On a day where we need to reflect on life, keep in mind how your actions affect everyone around you. Attached you can see vintage photos of my grandfather, Richard Anderson, in action on the gridiron for Renton High School (circa the 1940s). Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 20:21:17 +0000

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