What I Learned In Church Today: September 7, 2014 RE... - TopicsExpress


What I Learned In Church Today: September 7, 2014 RE... Nehemiah 1: 1-11 We, as Christians, are about the business of reestabilising, rebuilding and restoring. We need to redo some things, reconnect with some things and reorganize some other things. Nehemiah was the kings cup bearer, whos duties included making sure the contents was safe for the King to consume. This was an honor but also a potential danger. He knew there was more for him to do, but he chose to do what was intended for him at that moment. Unlike us, who pray to God to annoint our desires but never pray to God to annoint His desires in our lives. Nehemiah, upon hearing about the troubles in his land, became very disturbed. He fell on his knees and asked God for direction. Like Nehemiah we need to turn to God for the solutions to our problems. Nehemiah gained permissions from the king to return to Jerusalem to rebuilt the city, using timbers from the king s forest. After surveying the wall and the sad state of disrepair it was in, he enlisted the help of the people to make the needed repairs. Like Nehemiah, we need to do some repair and need the help of the people of God to do it. We need to rebuild the walls of discipleship. We need to reestablish the process of going out into the highways and byways and bringing in the unchurched and the unsaved. To rebuild, we can use new timbers but we can also recover those who have gone off to barren places and bring them back into the fold. We need to rebuild and reconstruct praise, working with one hand and praising with the other. We need to reestablish our place on the wall. Where is your intended place? Find your place and do the work the Lord has for you to do. We must reconnect with the units where we have chosen to serve. Are you intended to serve as an usher, deacon, or in the choir? Repositioning is sometimes necessary when you know that you are in the wrong place. We must rebuild the walls that uplift and not tear down. We can have enemies inside us and well as on the outside. We must be willing to serve instead of expecting to be served. We must learn to re: Redo Renew Remake Rebuild Recommit Reestablish Restore Reconnect Reposition Recover Reconstruct Reorganize Recreate This and other sermons are available in the church bookstore
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 22:19:21 +0000

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