What I am most thankful for today . . . November 27, 2010, is a - TopicsExpress


What I am most thankful for today . . . November 27, 2010, is a day I will never forget as long as I live. Its one of those days that mark your life so significantly it leaves memories for a lifetime that you will never forget. Four years ago today I woke up and I was in so much pain and I couldnt breathe very well. I made an appointment to go see my doctor cause I thought I had pneumonia. My doctor checked me over, took X-rays and and after sometime she came in the room by me and we took a look at the X-rays and she says to me, You have what we call Spontaneous Numo Thorax, you see this area right here (points to left lung) you see how black that is, you see this right here (points to right lung) see how white that is and full? Your left lung has collapsed and you have smoked your last cigarette as of today. I started to cry. I asked a million questions like. . . Am I going to die, what happens next, where do we go from here? She tells me, it is what it is, we just have to deal with everything as it comes. I went over to the hospital where I stayed for a week and everyday I continued to get worse by the end of the week I looked and felt like I was going to die . 2 chest tubes and both of them failed. I just wasnt getting any better. I felt so helpless sitting there and thinking I was never going to make it out alive. I was sent by ambulance to Madison after a week of being in Portage where I would spend another week after I had surgery to repair my lung. I am so very thankful to be alive today to enjoy life my friends, my family and most of all my grandchildren. Life is short my friends. Love is good and friends and family are everything. I am most grateful that I am alive to be here and tell my story, to enjoy life and family but truly I am so very grateful for that day was the day I smoked my last cigarette and I have not smoked a cigarette in 4 years as of today. I thought I would never be able to quit but I did and for that today I am so very thankful. Happy Thanksgiving my friends.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:21:53 +0000

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