What I dont understand is that we are being told on the one hand - TopicsExpress


What I dont understand is that we are being told on the one hand we are on the verge of unprecedented prosperity with the signing of the recent free trade deal with China. In doing so, some use superlatives quite loosely and unapologetic in the case of an over-assessment; figures like 320 Billion that is likely to come our way, with trade deals in every marketable product being bought by China that we can produce. From these estimates were going to be flat out like an endless barfull of lizards drinking and those of us close to retirement will just have to stay on at the old grindstone because there wont be enough of us otherwise, with sufficient skills to handle the demand for everything. Then, on the other hand, in the very same breath almost, assuming they have lung capacity to meet the task, they tell us we have to adopt austerity measures, allegedly to manage Labors debt, which will allegedly take us years to pay off. So, which is it? Is the deluge of largesse going to roll down over us in an avalanche of prosperity or are we all going to have to tighten out belts a couple more notches for the next decade at least? This alleged debt that we are constantly reminded of, apparently is the result of the kind of mismanagement that is displayed by the awarding of not one but three AAA credit ratings from the three most prominent ratings agencies in the world who are completely disconnected from party political preference in this foreign outpost of western civilisation and only make judgements on good or bad economic performances. The fact that the LNP, having lied their way into our hearts, promising not to cut funding to pensions, health, education, the ABC and the SBS and then immediately did the opposite, got rid of the credit ceiling and went on a multi billion dollar spending spree, seemingly goes unnoticed. Then, after the hangover wore off they announced a Budget emergency that was all Labors fault. Yes, the same Labor Party that saved us from the global financial crisis while at the same time Tony Abbott wanted to give our budget surplus to the industries!? not to the people, in a move that would have seen us quickly resemble Greece in terms of beached economy. This clearly demonstrates why never in its entire existence has the Liberal or National parties separately or in coalition ever gained for this country a AAA credit rating. Thats Labor, 3 and Coalition 0. Thats zero to spell it out, in case anyone missed it and now they want us to trust them as they take more and more off us, telling us it is vital to do so while at the same time reporting that we are on the verge of an historic windfall that will pay off all our debts and make us all rich. So, which is it? Untold wealth or the poorhouse for us? Or are they perhaps and much more likely stripping us of all our entitlements and benefits so that we, the common people, will not share in the impending win? Aha! I think I might have just hit the nail on the head.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 12:24:41 +0000

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