What I experienced first hand with Jaz. Always knew deep down she - TopicsExpress


What I experienced first hand with Jaz. Always knew deep down she was not a "bad" dog, IMO there are very few "bad" dogs whose aim is to hurt people/other dogs/animals, and here is precisely why. It also explains how a "status reduction training" prescribed by a behaviorist had precisely no effect and why positive management and setting Jaz up for success helped her behave better - "There is a clear link between anger, anxiety, and fear-based aggressive behavior. This has recently been demonstrated by Dr. Karen Overall of the Center for Neurobiology and Behavior at the University of Pennsylvania, who found that dogs with a history of aggression problems have levels of neurotransmitters and stress hormones similar to those of dogs that suffer from fear and anxiety. When a dog aggresses, he surpasses his stress threshold, causing his limbic system (the emotional brain) to take over as he prepares for flight or fight. When this occurs, the cerebral cortex (the learning brain) is inhibited, explaining why it is so hard to get a dog’s attention and encourage him to learn when he is reacting, as he is at that moment incapable of rational thought. To overcome this situation, a punitive trainer would try to suppress the aggressive outburst with punishment, whereas a positive trainer would immediately remove the dog from the stressor by quickly walking him away or creating some distraction to cut through the reaction. Only when the dog is in a calmer state can he begin to learn again. The secret to successfully treating aggression is to never put your dog in a situation where he goes over his stress threshold. Achieving this requires sensitive, compassionate handling and the manipulation of his environment to set him up for success while working on ways to change the way he feels about a particular stressor." positively/2013/05/23/why-are-dogs-aggressive/
Posted on: Thu, 23 May 2013 22:56:47 +0000

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