What I hate today: Fast food bacon cheeseburgers (hey, hey, stay - TopicsExpress


What I hate today: Fast food bacon cheeseburgers (hey, hey, stay with me now, Ill explain): Oh Bacon, bacon, is there anything more wonderful than you? You delicious strip of crispy, salty, smoky pig! You are heaven in my mouth. Youre always there for me, breakfast, lunch on my salad, at dinner wrapped around another piece of meat enhancing its flavor, completing it like only a lover could.....how then, can I resist you on a fast food cheeseburger? Oh Bacon, why have you forsaken me? What happened to you? They put you on a burger and you become this gummy, chewy, stringy clump of protein. Is there some strange chemical reaction that happens beneath that heat lamp warmed bun? Youre not you anymore, Bacon. My teeth now have to work special for you while the rest of the bite of burger sits waiting patiently in my mouth. You leap out of the burger and hang from my chin like kamikaze meat in one long gooey strip. I pull you away, then wipe the ketchup and tears from my face as I toss you onto the wrapper. Yes, while it hurts me, Ive given up on you Bacon on a fast food burger. Youve changed and not for the good. Maybe someday, well run into each other at some little breakfast diner...Ill see you sitting there and Ill remember the good times and lift you slowly to my lips again and smile.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 13:07:04 +0000

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