What I have learned from Facebook. You will always have those who - TopicsExpress


What I have learned from Facebook. You will always have those who read ur post but never interact with you. You will have stalkers. Everybody has their own opinion about what you post. When people dont like what you post they delete you. When you tell the truth or call someone out they will block you so they can continue to post lies to those who believe them. You will find great friends that you will never met. People who post the same thing over and over tend to get on peoples nerve. Yes we know you love ur other half. Posting it every hour seems like you are trying to convince urself you love them. Posting pictures of ur money, nice clothes or other expensive items but yet you dont have a job and live with and off other people just seems ridiculous. You find that there are a lot of fake people out there. There are real people out there who post fake stuff. Not sure if it makes them feel better or if they really think people believed them. Facebook is a way to catch people cheating now. Delete people. Delete those messages. Makes people ask your other half why she/ he liked a pic of you. You will have someones other half tell them to delete u because they feel that person is after their other half. Jealous people will send u messages telling u all the bad things about ur other half. Exs will do the same thing when they realize their ex is dating u now. Even though they dated that person for years, now all of a sudden they r the worse person ever. Then they will stock ur fb page. People put their drama on here then get mad when people comment and tell them to mind their business. People put things that they should never speak out loud. The gym posts. Yea i went to the gym once and broke the only machine i liked. I was escorted out an out of order sign was placed on the candy machine. And you can post a status about a pair of socks and you will never be able to post anything else without socks being mentioned somewhere in a comment.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 02:47:15 +0000

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