What I learned at church today: Being a disciple of Christ 1. It - TopicsExpress


What I learned at church today: Being a disciple of Christ 1. It can be tough to keep a sacred reverent attitude when you see your son feeding his sacrament bread to his Enderman during Sacrament. 2. Daily gratitude, just do it. 3. What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ? 4. John 13: 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. (So get out and serve) 5. Decisions drive destiny. 6. Middleaged Mormon Man prepared my day with his excellent post which I will include in the comments below. His message was repeated and reinforced for the rest of my time in church. 7. Why does the Lord want us to be a question-asking people? 8. What is the difference between asking questions about the gospel and doubting its truthfulness? 9. Part of becoming spiritually self-reliant is learning how to answer our own gospel questions. Revelation often occurs when we earnestly seek answers to sincere questions and have faith in the promise made by the Savior. 10 And then this: Why are we counseled to keep a journal if not to ask questions and note the answers through both Faith (prayer/scriptures) AND Reason (data/academically rigorous research)? Do a search on the term Truth in the database of every General Conference talk since they began and youll find it mentioned thousands of times. Faith and Reason are ways we discern Truth, along with the presence of the Holy Ghost. It has been said that faith and reason are like the two wings of a dove - if there is strong faith without reason, the dove cannot fly. In this Mortal existence, we are taught as Latter-day Saints that we are here to learn how to perfect ourselves - to become more like the Savior. In order to accomplish this monumental growth in just 60-80 years, we must actively seek out the truth for ourselves to increase our testimony of Jesus Christ as our Savior and understand our divine destiny as we strive towards exaltation. -- Lori Laurent Smith #ShareGoodness
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 21:29:55 +0000

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