What I learned in Baltimore, Maryland this weekend... Hey guys, - TopicsExpress


What I learned in Baltimore, Maryland this weekend... Hey guys, quick update from the road. I signed up a Pastor/Pharmacist into Dubli a month ago. He invited me to do a meeting at his church in Maryland and I went on Saturday. There were 65 people in attendance, including 6 pastors. One thing you should know is that Im VERY excited about the non-profit angle with Dubli. Ive never seen a Network Marketing program with the ability to reach non-profits like the United Way and Red Cross. Pastors have long tried to do Network Marketing in the past but it has blown up in their faces. Heres why, and Ill quote from one of the Pastors this weekend: Robert, we as Pastors want to help our Parrish with their finances, so we get them into a Network Marketing program. They buy the kit, it arrives and they do nothing with it. Within a few months they are hundreds of dollars in debt and stop tithing. Then, they stop coming to Church! There is now a wedge between us and our congregation. What we see with Dubli is that everyone in our Church can just buy online and when they do, the Church makes 30%! Its like everyone is tithing now and everyone is happy, we are so blessed you are here! Now, thats a very, very powerful statement. Especially when the Pastor gets chokes up when he is telling you this story and tears are running down his face. In that moment in time you quickly realize this is way bigger than just getting a commission check to pay your bills...youre about to change thousands of lives. This weekend was the most humbling experience of my 34 year Network Marketing career. I felt that for the first time in years, that I could REALLY help people without them having to turn into a super-duper sales person. I want you to look at the picture with me and Bishop David. We are laughing, right? Look at the picture I took of him right before I left to go to the airport. He was sitting in a chair with his laptop showing people how the Dubli toolbar works as they shouted out different products to search for. The weekend was full of laughter and tears...something I hadnt anticipated and it caught me totally off guard. Each Pastor shared with me how their Church attendance and giving was way down. How they are seeing Dubli as a way to get their message out to more people and actually help their members financially...something they have never been able to do before. Each Pastor just didnt say thanks and leave. They all hugged me like it was their last day on earth. They all had tears in their eyes. They all were laughing as well as we had lots of fun. One of them even stopped me in the parking lot and prayed with me and he prayed for me,for God to give me strength and bless my family, which started me to cry. Look, I rarely talk about God with my business partners, but I believe in him. Im a Christian, but Im no Saint. All of my children go to a Catholic School as Sheri Cuyos and I believe that God is important to be taught to our children as one day, we will be dead and gone and we want them to learn how to have their own faith through their trials in life, as they will most certainly have them, as we all do. But, when I got into the car to leave and head to the airport I cannot lie to you, it was a spiritual experience for me. - And, nobody quoted scriptures. - Nobody preached. - Nobody opened up a bible and pointed a finger at me. These where men and their wives who have given their lives to the ministry and they confided in me that they were feeling like they werent really making a difference in peoples lives anymore. - They felt lost. - They had unanswered prayers. - They can see how Dubli can change all of that. As a businessman, I told them all the facts. As a Network Marketer, I told them how to place people, how the pay plan works and how they get paid. As a Christian, I felt God yesterday like Ive never felt him before. I felt his hand in this...like he was telling me that this is how I can finally fulfill my personal destiny since I was age 18 and got into Network Marketing...which was to simply help others become free and buy their own life back, so they could stay home with their families. You see, when Bart Ratliff invited me into Dubli I was really nothing more than a consultant and lead salesman. I had really lost my own dream that I could ever change 1,000,000 peoples lives before I leave this earth. I was beat up in Network Marketing. I was like an old boxer that used to be the Heavy Weight Champion of the World, but now just emptied spit buckets at the gym. I saw myself kind of like the Rocky Balboa of MLM. As many of you know, I have calculated that over my 34 career 250,000 people, just like you and I, have joined my various programs and quit autoship and left. 250,000 When I wrote that number down, I become overwhelmed. - I felt like I had let 250,000 people down. - I felt like I had let my wife down. - I felt like I didnt want my children to ever join a Network Marketing program and to avoid it like the plague! After this weekend and on the long flight home yesterday I am a renewed man. I feel like I can really help contribute to changing the world a bit before I leave it. To leave it a better place. I wanted to share my story to bring home this point. Churches are hurting. Pastors are great leaders. Churches have access to 1,000s of shoppers. You dont have to be a TLA to do this business. Sure, as a TLA you can personally sponsor a business or non-profit. But, if youre not a TLA and are WAITING to upgrade, dont wait so long that you dont reach out to a Pastor or church member you may know. I signed up Bishop David and he signed up his own church. See where Im going with all of this? All of the 65 people in attendance had been in a Network Marketing program before. One was a top producer in a well known program...only to have it all fall apart with people quitting autoship. Everyone loved the Dubli concept. Three people in the audience came up to me who owned a retail business and wanted to know how they could get their current customers to download the Dubli toolbar. So, I just wanted to share my story with you. I wanted to inspire you to reach out of your own comfort zone, as I did yesterday. I was nervous as ever before I spoke. It was in a church, so I asked God to help me not to say anything wrong and to not offend anyone. This preacher gave me access to his complete Parrish and even other Pastors he knew who were struggling. As I stood at the back of the church as he was introducing me the magnitude of the situation hit me... Preachers are just men and women like you and I. They have dreams and aspirations. Network Marketing the way it has always been done in the past hasnt worked for them. Dubli can. Ill repeat... Dubli can! This now opens up an entire world around you and I. We have an opportunity to network like never before. Cease the day, my friends. There is no guarantee that Bishop David will do anything, businessman Robert gets that. But, everyday Robert also gets the opportunity he has before him. One he has never had in his 34 year career. And, guess what? So, do you!
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 17:38:57 +0000

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