What I learned this year from Facebook. I learned that there - TopicsExpress


What I learned this year from Facebook. I learned that there are more racists and hate mongers out there than I care to imagine but also a lot of lonely people just looking to connect. I witnessed trial by association when I saw women attack Bill Cosby who were wrong one way or the other. If he is innocent they are liars or sick. If he is guilty then they carry more guilt for doing nothing for so many years. Even WW2 Nazi war criminals got better treatment and due process of the law. I learned there are few capable of intellectual debate and rigorous dispute of allegations made and realize in a Liberal world the concept of debate is rarely recognized as healthy but rather an identity crisis to most pundits. I appreciated both the humour of Canadians as well as the humor of Americans. It is important to laugh as I do at myself frequently. My mother used to say Dont take life too seriously because you are never going to get out of it alive anyway. Thank you Eddie and John Everatt, Steve Adair, Reid Bankley and Reid Caulfield for your posts. I witnessed an admitted sadist come out with Jian Ghomeshi and yet feel compassion for him as he lost his Dad this year It is wrong to hit women under any circumstances. Any man should walk away or stand and take it. Period. I learned that people can not seem to prioritize the way I would. For me humans take precedence over any animal, women over men and children above all yet slavery continues while we worry about one racial bias others seem to go by unnoticed. Whole generations are killed over alleged crimes against the state in North Korea while turmoil and terrorism targets to fracture American justice. I learned to love again through my Geraldine. True love is commitment to your partner forever and through all adversity. I was beginning to think the world was made up of only fair weather friends until she came along. Westerners NEED to travel more to witness how well they have it. If you collect $1,000.00 a month you can live in places like a king where others around you suffer...You learn humility and can make a difference in their lives. I am learning to let go of things I can not change. I used to think that I could make anyone learn to love me..and I was right but some love to control, malign and torture and that is not healthy for me...In other words love from some isnt worth shit. Find the love that nurturers and allows for growth. I learned again the importance of walking the talk. I credit Len Traboulay (deceased) for first bringing it to my attention. There are so many false prophets out there. ISIS is in direct conflict with what the word ISLAM means (Peace). News Media has become so Narcissistic we hear more about reporters than the people they are supposed to report on. Wishing all my friends a Happy Holiday and prosperity in the New Year.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:23:23 +0000

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