What I say tonight is because of an issue with someone holding - TopicsExpress


What I say tonight is because of an issue with someone holding some very delicate, pieces of art that can never be recreated..They are worth everything to me and the supposedly Good Guy, Jon Brody, has not yet sent them. The promise was months ago after the abandonment our collaborative projects that were going fine until he bailed… He now needs to send me the objects that will help me move on but seems to hold them hostage for reasons unexplainable to me…because they are my sons things. He has promised on many occasions to do so but his lazy bloodlines(his quotes) keep him from doing whats right…well he says hes German but blames his asian bloodlines for being allowed to be passive.I Try not to get into all that Asian HATE…I love the asian people with all my heart but you all hate each other and that is just unacceptable. Love everyone…..Just LOVE and do the right Thing and you will be fine. I think anyone can be who they want to be no matter color, race or creed and if they do not step up now they might as well disappear….We need more love in our society and why are we not getting it? xoxo Think about it Brody oh teacher of Ted Talks X / Rebuttle?!?….Ill give you 15 minutes since I know your watching…What say you Brave One?
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 03:23:53 +0000

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