What I would do to fix America By Lynn Kelso I was asked a - TopicsExpress


What I would do to fix America By Lynn Kelso I was asked a while back, since I had all the answers how would I fix America? Well,,,I have been giving that a lot of thought. And here is what I came up with. 1.) No person can be President or Vice President of the USA without 1st being a vet. And having some kind of successful business. 2.) Term limits for congress & the senate not to exceed 8 yrs. Serving as a US Congressman or Senator was not meant to be a Retirement plan. 3.) Congress & the Senate will not receive lifetime paychecks. Once youve served your term(s) your done. Nor will they receive preferred medical. You want it, you pay for it, just like every other American. 4.) No Congressman or Senator will be be exempt from any law they pass. (28th Amendment) to include Social Security. And social security payments will be retro-active going back to the 1st day in office. ( this will also fix the social security problem we currently face. 5.) Congress and the Senate will not vote themselves any type of raise. Any pay increase will be put to a vote once every 4 yrs at the presidential election and be voted on “BY THE PEOPLE”. 6.) Congress and the Senate will pass or veto any bill or law without adding or subtracting from it to meet their personal requirements to vote yes or no. No more pork in any bill. These bills will be in Plain English, so everyone can understand them, not just attorneys. 7.) All members of any government agency will swear an oath to uphold the constitution. And will be held accountable for not doing so. 8.) No person shall be able to draw SSI/SS unless they have paid into said system. This also goes for any congressman or senator, Illegal aliens ect..... 9.) Shut down the IRS. Place in effect a 10% tax on everyone, business and person alike. 3% goes to the state of residence, 7% goes to the fed gov. this also goes for any .org, but at a rate of 5%. broke down the same as above. They (congress & senate) will live within their means. No more bailouts for anyone. 10.) Immediately cut off funding and handouts to any country that dont like us. “They can hate us for free”! 11.) Cut the EPA in half. And mandate any current or new laws be passed or vetoed by congress & senate. This will ease the strain on coal mining and others. And open the door for offshore drilling again. 12.) Immediately raise the import tax to the same level as other countries. Which will bring the US more up to date with the world trade. 13.) Welfare, this wasnt meant as a retirement plan either . I believe in helping your neighbor, but damn! While on welfare you will not be having anymore babies. And if you can afford the latest iphone and 22” rims on your ride you dont need welfare. Welfare was meant as a helping hand and if you cant get off welfare in 2 yrs youll be taken off. 14.) Property owners. Once you pay your house or property off, the taxes stop. No more of this shit of spending your life paying on a home just to let the state or county take it from you cuz your on fixed income. This would become illegal if I had my way.!!!! This is just a few of the things that would help America get back on her feet. I know I have glossed over a few things. But I cant fix everything at once!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 22:41:41 +0000

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