What India needs in 21st Century? Reforms at Home / Dependence on - TopicsExpress


What India needs in 21st Century? Reforms at Home / Dependence on Aliens India a Super Power by 2020? Just Impossible… From where we are at present, being the most developed nation by 2020 does not seem likely. Here developed nation means all round development of citizens, multidimensional advancement of a nation, like enriching the personality of an individual. Each & every citizen should have self- respect, fulfilling the basic needs of life and feeling of oneness as an Indian than only we can say India has developed otherwise it is developing only… With High Rate of Corruption, close to a third of the population living below the poverty line and a vast majority of people without access to clean drinking water, sanitation, electricity, healthcare, basic education, talk about Internet is not appropriate and the notion of being the most developed nation in the world appears far fetched. Foreign Educational Institution (Regulation of Entry and Operation) Bill 2010 Starting from being an educationally backward country as a result of more than 150 years of colonial rule, India today is the largest education system and huge consumer market in terms of students, Teachers, and educational institutes. According to Government Foreign Educational Institution Bill is a long awaited reform that would revamp the Country’s Education System. 50 Foreign varsities interested in having campus in India. Only the best foreign varsities are allowed to function in the Higher Education System. Hon. Minister said Investment in Education by foreign Institutions would not only benefit Indian students but also help other countries get skilled workforce for their economy. May be this would be good for Indian Higher Education Scenario and world economy but still we need to build up environment in which everyone will get benefit from this ground-breaking step in National Education & Cultural System. Dr. Sibal said one lakh Students from India go to the United States every year for further studies and passing of such a bill would be a “Win-win Situation” for us. Is this very Big Number as comparison with rest of Indian students who are studying in India? No, not at all. I think we have to analyze situation in west. There are lots of dropouts in schools. High school dropout crisis is continuously going on in United States. Every nine seconds in America a student becomes a dropout. Even President Obama is announcing steps to reduce dropout rate and prepare students for college and careers. $ Domination is the Question of time now. Financial crises is going on in America, Situations related to earn livelihood are not so easy, The cost of dropping out of high school today are substantial and have risen over time, especially for young man ,who find it almost impossible to earn an adequate income to take care of themselves & their families. Why we should introduce failed education System while we have our own Forgotten Education System? If we really want world class environment in our country, Why we are not felicitate that environment in our Indian Universities like Banaras Hindu University, in Jawaharlal Nehru University, in Indian Institute of Technology , in Indian institute of management and other remarkable institutes of our country? Why we are not creating Indian Institute of Education to develop Teachers & Educationalist for creating endless possibilities in the field of Education? Why we are not creating Thoughtful environment for that? Why we are always underestimating our education Development capacity and capability? Why we don’t have Belief in our traditional Gurukul Education System with the taste of modern education? Why we don’t have enough Confidence to say and discuss about Swadeshi concept of Education. These question needs to be asked by every Indian who knows what India was and what Indian Education System was. Very rightly said by Advisor to Prime Minister on Innovation, IT and Entrepreneurship Sam Pitroda Quality of Education in 90% of the Indian universities is not up to the mark. He emphasized on expansion, excellence and equity in education. For that we need to Restructure our own Education System and should develop ambience which is really world Class for Education as well as Life. We have to understand, Education is not a simple matter, decisions made today, impact generations to come. Foreign University as a Limited Company Foreign Institutes has to register as a Limited Company under section 25 of the companies Act. Is it good for Education? Are we not moving towards Thomas Macaulay brand of Education system which doesn’t want to develop visionaries, leaders? They want to manufacture Products in the form of intectutual, intercultural workers. Maximum possibilities would be these universities are going to play role in the development of human being as market products and running in the form of manufacturing units where profit is important, nothing else. Question should be asked, after more than 50 years of Independence, why we are still looking for Foreign Education Intuitions. This shows Education mission is decades away from making a meaningful impact. Till now we are not looking like a Country because of faulty Education System, means ego-centric object oriented education system while our Education System should be Subject oriented. Again we are trying to establish Foreign Education System for our Own Nation Building (Development of Swadesh)? What a pity? How can we do it? British rule is responsible for India’s Self-denial. But we still looking for that education, that way of Life which has already destroy our social/Economic/Political Fabric which has already damaged our strong concept of enriching life through the swadeshi way of education. Why we are not talking about National Education? Why we are not ready to understand our strong Cultural Heritage Richness for in-depth knowledge and self Discovery. We should ask ourselves why only oxford and Harvard Education is world Class. Why not Indian universities! Why we are not daring to say our ancient Education System, our languages, and our scientific outlook is world class and there is no need to say we are the Masters in Science beyond science called Spirituality? Meaning of education is something different for us. We believe education is the manifestation of divinity already in human being. Here we can see divinity in different forms like Art, Creativity, Science, Dance, Music, literature, management, & sports etc. We are the followers of Education that liberates because in our experience freedom is life and bonding is death. The objective of Indian Education System is Free Society with in-depth Discipline. It is undeniable that in a competitive knowledge based globalized economy, the Indian education System needs a sincere makeover to match with International standards for performing better on International Platforms and participation in Public Diplomacy. Minister’s Statement. “What Dr. Man Mohan Singh did for the economy in 1991, we will do the same for education in 2009…” I think, 1991 Reforms having few positive aspects with many negative impacts. We can see that was for 30% population still 70% population still not get benefited from those Reforms may be this is going to happen again in the form of Foreign Educational Institutions Bill. If we want 100% people get benefited from our Education Policy, we need to Reshape our National Education Policy with effective implementation channels, means we should improve our own internal education system first. It is going to be tough for the government to raise Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Higher education from the present level of around 13 percent to 25 percent by 2020.The Government alone will not be able to achieve the GER target and, therefore will require partnership both with Indian & Foreign Institutes. The new foreign varsities Bill will take time to play out and no one’s sure of what will change. Positive Aspect of Foreign Educational Institutional Bill: Reservation Policy is not applicable to Foreign Institutions. If the Reservation policy is not applicable to Foreign Institutes, it should not be applicable to private Indian Institutes also. With the Provision of No Reservation in Foreign Institutes, we are considering Reservation in Education would be the compromise with the Quality of Education. So, why we have Reservation in IIT, in IIM, in ICS, and even in AIMS. Why? We should understand that access to higher education should be based on the ability to learn not the ability to pay. For that Government has to create Environment in which everyone can feel the real meaning of welfare state not the social injustice on the name of social Justice. Cash out flow about US $ 10 to $ 12 Billion per year for Indian students leaving India for foreign versities, because of Lack of seats and quality Education within India. These funds enough to build 40 IIM’s and @ 20 IIT’S per year! Negative Aspect of Foreign Educational Institutional Bill: The biggest problem faced by the Indian society is that higher education is reachable only for those who belongs to the rich hands of economic affordability and so a large section of Indian society has been marginalized. The Bill is to allow foreign University in India is a good idea in 21st Century knowledge based Globalized economy time, but do not expect a Harvard or an Oxford ambience in India immediately. Allowing foreign universities to setup shop in India is acceptable but it needs to be done after strengthening Indian Universities. In present Situation Bill is going to increase unbalanced development in Educational System of India and this is going to affect each & every dimension of Indian social economic political scenario. No Doubt, we have some Private Government running educational institutes which is not according to the required quality of education and need of our country. Opening the doors to foreign varsities would be helpful to fulfill the dream to be the part of world class environment. Here we have to understand we don’t have that kind of academic environment in maximum Indian universities, and studying in abroad would be good to get exposure in the Foreign Life Style, Languages, Art, People & environment. This would also helpful to make good relations with Foreign Scholars. I think campus in India will neither provide foreign academic environment nor the chance to express India as a Soft Power. Right to Education and Foreign Universities Bill Right to education Bill has direct link with this foreign educational institution Bill. Because Higher education comes into the picture when we implemented Elementary & secondary education in a proper manner.But Situation is very difficult; In Delhi 152 schools are raising voice for not accepting Right to Education Bill. Now the Question is, when we are not able to implement our policy in the form of Act in our own country with our own people. How can we dare to think foreign universities are exactly going to move according to our Rules & Regulations? And why they have to follow us? When we are accepting you are world class, we are not. Real Life Facts about Indian Education We should keep in mind whenever we talk about education 10 core of the Indian population residing in slums. And in slum situation is worse than the rural area. Government has Laws and Policies for the Education but they don’t have the provision to continue the Education. Most of the dropouts of the schools and colleges are due to the Poverty and Unemployment. So government should provide proper scholarship to the entire student community who are economically weak instead of seeing caste. Government has approved foreign education Bill. In which university from abroad can come to India and setup their institution. According to a young leader (Sandeep Dattu Katke) of Dharavi (Mumbai) if it happens only the upper class (Elite) people will get the opportunity and there will be nothing for slums. India has only 1.72% of the world GDP and has 17% of the world population. Only 10 % of all Indians understand English while English is a language used in countries which account for about 38% of the world GDP. Yet in India,while we talk of globalization, we are not serious about learning the other languages of the world ex. Japanese, German, French, Spanish unlike Chinese youth who are doing so otherwise. We must have to develop India as a Knowledge Commune. For that we need to develop our education system with continuous R&D, for that we need to create possibilities in which our big population can transform into the well organized & devoted professionals with the empathy of what is meaning and objective of education in Life Diaspora. Most importantly we need Meditative Awareness and Young Consciousness in the form of Young India. Only One thing I would like to admire if really famous foreign Institutes like Oxford, Harvard coming to India are more Indian & Foreign students can study “Bharat ki Abohava mein” “Mati ki Khushbu mein” with the taste of Delicious Indian food and with the loving touch of our people. This would be Great, Otherwise... you all know what is going to be happening in India?
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:53:59 +0000

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