What Is A Praise? It is a Hallal - Its main meaning is clear - TopicsExpress


What Is A Praise? It is a Hallal - Its main meaning is clear sound O magnify, celebrate, rejoice, boast in anything .... True worship must have a clear and defined sound. It is a Hilluwi - Hilluwi (derived from Hallal) is a celebration of thanksgiving for the completion of harvest. Such praise or worship should be expressed with great joy. It is a Tehillah - Another word from Hallal. This time the emphasis is on the songs. Thus, we started singing our Hallal, our celebration. It is a Shabach - This word means to give shouts loudly, give a shout of victory, glory in victory. Psalm 47: 1: Shout to God with cries of joy. When the occasion emerge, do not feel discouraged; let your praise resound acclaim. Is a Zamar- The meaning is to touch or play stringed instruments. How wonderful it is to play all kinds of musical instruments to praise God, producing a glorious antiphon of praise for His great name! It is a Yadah - The primary meaning is confess words of thanks. However, it also conveys the idea of lift or extend their hands in thanksgiving to God. It is a Towdah - This word comes from the same root as Yadah, and obviously has a meaning very similar but it is even more specific: the extension of the hands in worship and expression of gratitude. It is a Barak - Means kneeling in adoration. In this position or posture, full body expresses a profound adoration. Kneeling in front of someone is expressing humility, thereby demonstrating that the position and dignity of that person are higher. Hope this helps you understand the praise and worship to the Great King, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 05:31:08 +0000

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