What Is More Important than Making Money? Are you frustrated with - TopicsExpress


What Is More Important than Making Money? Are you frustrated with not having enough money to pay all of your bills? Do you lack money to enjoy some extras that life has to offer? Are you stuck with the decision to put money above everything because you do not have enough? Are you overwhelmed with the idea of needing to make money all of the time? This is no way to live your life. Yes, you can change your life’s focus and have money and enjoy the things that God placed you here to enjoy. PURPOSE I understand that when you are broke, making money takes top priority in your life. However, as much as that is important because in order to live here on earth you need money, your focus does not have to solely be that. There are other things that are more important than making money. The Wrong Answer If you survey 100 people, they probably would answer the question what is more important than money using a politically correct answer. Some of their answers will consist of health is more important than making money. My family is more important than making money. These answers are not just politically correct they are absolutely correct. However when you say health is more important or my family is more important, the suggestion leads one to believe that you have to make a choice for having one or the other. It presupposes that you cannot have health and wealth at the same time. It presupposes that you cannot have a great family and be wealthy. It is important to view money as a tool first and foremost because you may run the risk of sabotaging yourself from ever making lots of money due to what you associate making money with. DIRECTED Lots of People Have Money but Not This… There are a lot of people in this world that you may know who earn a lot of money. They may be Doctors, Executives, Business Owners, etc. These people may have some of the things that many people admire from a nice car, to a beautiful home, children in private schools, etc. The only thing sometimes that many of these people lack is the TIME to do what they want. These are the individuals who are what I call TIME broke. They may have a lot of money in the bank and the ability to afford many of the things in life which I do not want to downplay because no one wants to live their entire life without ever possessing and enjoying the things here on earth. But the thing is these individuals are working extremely hard to earn a fabulous living and not being able to enjoy what their money can buy because of the time factor. Answer this question, if you had an unlimited amount of money available to you, would you still go to your job? No would probably be your answer. Now take that out 15-20 years from now , would you then have the time to enjoy it. The blessing of network marketing is one it allows you to compress time. That simply means that if you put in the work up front you have the ability to shorten the time frame that most traditional jobs or businesses will produce the same type of success because you are utilizing leverage. When you earn a lot of money in this profession you will focus more of your energies on how you will spend your time. Network Marketing allows you to stop trading time for money like those in a traditional job. Not only that network marketing allows you to earn money whether you have spent your time in your business or not. What I am talking about is the power of leverage and the creation of residual income. What is Residual Income? Residual Income is money that you earn based upon your past efforts. I was a mortgage broker years ago and during that time I would receive a paycheck based upon the number of loans that I underwrote. However, since I am no longer with that company I haven’t received a paycheck in the mail for those past loans that I underwrite which is linear income. You get paid for the work that you do at the time that you do it. In short, you substitute time for money. However, in network marketing you can sponsor someone in one month and let’s say that you receive $50 from sponsoring them. Six months later you could still be receiving a paycheck for those individuals who you sponsored in the first month. This is residual income. If you have a goal to live a life of FREEDOM, you will want to do something that creates residual income for you. I decided a long time ago that network marketing was going to be it for me because a network marketing business had a relatively low overhead cost and had one of the lowest risk factors. Time is More Important Than Making Money If you were asked to go to Hawaii right this very moment with friends could you? If you were asked to go to the Bahamas two months later could you? If you were asked to go to attend this benefit that was $1,000 a plate could you? If you could afford the expenses that come with these luxuries the next question is do you have the time to do so. There are a lot that have a lot of money but they do not have time. Money can be earned by us all. God gave each and every one of us the ability to do so whether we do or not. The ability is there. SUCCESS The most important thing that you can do is locate a way in which to earn residual income. But the interesting thing about building residual income is that it does take time. But anything that is worth something takes time and effort. However, think about the alternative. You go to work do that for 40 years and retire if you are lucky enough you live off of 40% of your previous income in hopes that that will be enough for the rest of your days. This is what 90% of the world’s population does. This is the normal Plan A for the average person’s life. The few that wind up getting a good job and retiring and living a great life after retirement consists only of a handful. Just as you have a Plan A you could develop a Plan B also. Your Plan B could include utilizing your part-time energy in creating residual income. Network Marketing is not the only way to earn residual income, if you are blessed enough to have millions in the bank you could live off of the interest that you earn. If you know about earning millions from real estate you could do that also. I have had people ask me if I was still doing that thing. I find that question funny because that little thing has the lowest risk, lowest overhead and you can build a serious income from it. Take a look into the future and envision what your life is going to be like 3, 5, 20 years from now. If you are honest, does it look much different than it looks now. Do you have the possibility of controlling your time. Would you like to wait until you are retirement age to begin living your life if you can at all. The best thing is to learn to get leveraged income. Figure out a way of receiving residual income that will come in and out of your home. I decided to own a network marketing business because I wanted to have the time to share in all of my children’s moments. I did not want their childhoods to just be a memory. I wanted the ability to create meaningful memories with them. The easiest time to enter network marketing and create a residual income in now because you decided to. It is an interesting phenomenon that the people that tend to do this the best in network marketing are the low to middle income earners. So there is true hope if you are in this category. Do you know why you may not find high paid executives going into network marketing? It is because they are tied to the incomes that they earn. The companies that pay high six figures and above do not allow those individuals earning those incomes to do so haphazardly. They make sure that they are tied to them at the hip. These individuals in those positions also realize that since they are living a lifestyle up to their incomes it may be more challenging if they were to lose their jobs to find another equal to the one they lost. Therefore, they themselves will hold their complete loyalties to those jobs. If you are not currently making a huge amount of money there is hope. Design a life where you can create residual income. We are meant to live an abundant life. Have PURPOSE DIRECTED SUCCESS today! Abundant Blessings Always Did This Blog Help You? Did it add value to what you are doing? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook. Send me an email at wharper@cwilliamharper PS: If you travel AT ALL (cruises, hotels, rental cars, flights), are you still OK with paying full retail? 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Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 16:28:51 +0000

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