What It Takes To Succeed In Business! Depending on who you - TopicsExpress


What It Takes To Succeed In Business! Depending on who you listen to, there are somewhere between 120 million and 150 million entrepreneurs working from home. Again, depending on where you get your statistics from, a staggering 94-96% of those home-based business owners will not succeed with their enterprise. These figures are troubling for those of us who have achieved success in this amazing industry. Is there a hidden success formula that only a select few stumble upon? For some time now, we have been wondering, Why is it that some home business owners experience such fantastic results and others struggle to even get their business off the ground? We have studied the industry and compiled a short list of major characteristics that determine success. en·tre·pre·neur [ahn-truh-pruh-nur, -noor] a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. Fortunately for home-based Internet Entrepreneurs, we can minimize the risk as long as we maximize the initiative. We do want to preface this list with the following disclaimer - we have seen all types of individuals, from all walks of life, with all different backgrounds and skill sets succeed in their chosen home business. the 2 most important things that determine your success will be: 1. Persistent Commitment - this can best be described by the following sports cliché, Refuse to lose. The most successful people in this business are not always the most talented, they are those who just never give up. This attitude starts with the belief in yourself, your team, and the industry. You can be certain that you will face challenges on the path to success, how you react to them will determine your fate. You must have the dedication and drive to make it work ... no matter what! 2. Productive Action - the best planning and systems will do you no good without consistent AND productive action. You can have the most compelling websites, state-of-the-art Flash movies, and fantastic emails ... but if nobody sees them you are simply spinning your wheels. It all comes back to the famous question, If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there, does it make a sound? Your websites and business will be like that forgotten tree if you dont consistently take action and drive traffic to your site(s). So once we start with the foundation of Persistent Commitment and Persistent Action, what other attributes will contribute to your success in your home Internet business? The list below is by no means all inclusive, but it will give you a good start: * Optimism – eternal optimism is the fuel that can drive you to dizzying heights, especially when you encounter frequent challenges. Those who view challenges as just another test and focus on the solution typically succeed. If every home business owner threw in the towel when they encountered challenges, we wouldnt have any home business owners. Always see the glass as half full, make that full (half with water, half with air) and you have given yourself a great chance to reach the top. * Consistency – the top people in any field always practice their craft. Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, and Pele did not rise to the top of their respective sports by practicing when they felt like it. Dustin Hoffman and Barbara Streisand did not become megastars by showing up for rehearsals when they were in the mood. They decided what they wanted and consistently worked at it. The same is true with your home business. * Creativity – thinking outside the box. Expanding one’s mind beyond conventional thinking. There are hundreds of way to build a home business, and whos to say which is the best. The key thing is to always be pushing the envelope, learning new techniques, and stimulating your brain. What the mind and conceive and believe, it can achieve. * Stability – your team is looking to you for guidance. Stabile, consistent leaders can count on a stabile, consistent team. Make decisions based on thorough research, chart a course (plan of action) and then stick with it. Be stabile enough to handle difficult situations during tough times. * Charisma – defined as a personal quality that gives an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people. All good entrepreneurs/leaders possess a certain magic sparkle in their eye and are able to paint pictures of the future. You cant motivate others (they must do it themselves), but you can certainly inspire them. * Risk-Taking – a true leader (make no mistake, this business is about leading others) is not afraid of taking chances when opportunity presents itself. Successful entrepreneurs understand that often You have to go out on a limb to find the best fruit. This doesnt mean jumping into things before you complete your due diligence (like all those Get in now before its too late emails). Intelligent risk taking also includes thorough research and careful planning. * Energy – couch potatoes rarely become proficient at anything other than the remote control. Successful home business owners are willing to do whatever it takes to reach to the finish line. They understand that balancing their life is also important, so they must have the energy to drive their business and also spend quality time with family and friends. Working overtime is not uncommon on your way to the top. The wonderful thing about a home Internet business is it provides a level playing field. Anybody can succeed, as long as they are willing to grow, learn, and do whats necessary. When push comes to shove, most people simply arent willing to do what it takes. Are you? If so ... Think BIG. Act BIG. Make your business dreams come true.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 00:55:28 +0000

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