What I’m getting ready to share with you on the next few pages - TopicsExpress


What I’m getting ready to share with you on the next few pages is simply just pure GOLD. And don’t take any of this lightly...there are REASONS why people succeed and people fail and the reasons are based upon fundamental principles that apply to each and every single one of us. We all have the same opportunities and information available to us regardless of our financial situation, education and backgrounds. The difference is taking ACTION. Two people could be reading this right now...one reads it and doesn’t take any action at all and makes excuses as to why it can’t be done: “It’s a scam.” “If it were true, EVERYONE would be doing it!” “It’s too much hard work.” Needless to say, these guys FAIL and the funny thing is...they CONTINUE to complain and make excuses for themselves and their current situation and wind up blaming other things except themselves. I’m sorry to say this...but that’s just pure INSANITY! On the other hand, another person takes the information I’m sharing and RUNS WITH IT and although they don’t create a million dollars the next day, they eventually reach their goals and DREAMS in life. Why? Again, they are essential principles that govern true success and if taken action upon, will reap the results that come with applying such knowledge. So enough of the rant, what areas do you need to be taking care of? I’m glad you asked. Here are the six areas you NEED to be taking action on right now to set yourself on the true path of success: 1. Mistakes: Embrace mistakes and learn from them. You need to have the ability to look at your mistakes and find out what has gone wrong. You should see each ‘Mistake’ as a stepping-stone to your success. Remember Thomas Edison? Man, that guy tested thousands of different materials before finding a suitable filament for the incandescent light bulb. Each ‘Mistake’ brought him one step closer to the end result. So instead of going “Woe is me...I’ll NEVER learn this!” or “This business is a scam, I quit!” It’s way better to pick yourself up and TRY AGAIN. By now you’re probably saying “Well, What if I try again and it doesn’t work?” All I can say to that is you got an education. You know what DOESN’T work and the next time you attempt the same thing...you’ll do it differently and therefore reap different results. By far, EDUCATION whether it be bought, taught or absorbed through experience is the BIGGEST money-making practice you could ever have in your arsenal…I’m not kidding you. In other words, instead of getting frustrated with your supposed ‘Mistakes’ and ‘Failures’...GET EXCITED because you’ll learn, have breakthroughs and experience many ‘A-ha!’ paradigm shifts as a result of them occurring. 2. Acceptance: When something good or bad happens, you have to be able to accept it and move on. You will never get anywhere if you’re always wondering what could have happened if you hadn’t done this or if you had done that. For example, you spend hours following up with a hot prospect only to hear that your business isn’t for them. Instead of crying over spilled milk and thinking “I should’ve done this.” Or “I could’ve said that.” Just accept it because it’s REALITY. The more time you spend punishing yourself for events that have already happened and are no longer in your control...the more time is being wasted on what you could be doing...which is building your business! You have to learn to accept the good with the bad and vice versa...so toughen up! It’s for your own good! 3. Confidence: This is a very important yet tremendously overlooked area. You need to have total and utter confidence in yourself. Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything you do will always work out for the best, no matter what happens. I’m truthfully AMAZED at the sheer amount of people out there who have the true desire to be Entrepreneurs and are putting up content on the Internet to market their businesses, but simultaneously they are wasting their time and are literally shooting themselves in the foot because they are saying this or that with NO REAL CONVICTION. Marketing like that is WEAK and it’s with very little wonder why they aren’t attracting leads and cash flow into their businesses... 4. Constant Learning: You should always be in a state of learning, keeping an open mind to new concepts and strategies. Never ever stop learning and continue to buy new books, courses, CD’s, attend seminars, webinars, etc...even if you THINK you know it all, because you NEVER will. Look, the amount of knowledge you have is directly correlated to how much you’re earning right now. I don’t care what anyone else says. If you REALLY want to make a million dollars, then get up off your butt and LEARN how to do it! It’s literally that simple yet time and time again people rely upon their company, their product, their system, their upline and even their coaches for success. It’s a nice idea and believe me, I used to think like that but I’m letting you know right now...YOU and YOU ALONE are responsible for learning and executing on the information that will give you the results you are seeking...period. 5. Asking The Right Questions: Asking the right questions will get you the right results. All day long we’re thinking. What is thinking? All day long we’re asking ourselves QUESTIONS. That’s what initiates thinking is a question. The problem is, most people ask themselves very crappy questions: “Why am I so poor?”, “How come he makes $50,000 a month and I can’t even make that in a year?”, “Why am I so stupid?”, “Why can’t I afford to buy this course?”...you get the point. For goodness sake, CHANGE the question: “What actions can I take to become wealthy?”, “How can I make this better?”, “How can I get my hands on this course?”, “What can I do to learn this?”...do this and you will EMPOWER yourself to a new way of thinking. 6. Helping Others: The more people that you help to become successful, the more successful you will become. NEVER approach business with only YOU in mind. I know this sounds weird, after all...aren’t we all in business to make money to improve OUR lives? That’s a good question and I can answer it by saying this: “What goes around, comes around.” It’s so cliché but it’s true. You probably have already discovered that the universe responds in kind to how much we give or contribute. Many times people have fallen victim to the ‘Me, Me, Me!’ mentality forgetting that business revolves around the most important thing of all...OTHER PEOPLE. People are smart, the moment they feel that you’re only in it for yourself or if you come across as being selfish or as a blow-hard...they’ll go somewhere else. Always look for ways to help people; everything you do should be a win-win situation. You do this and you’ll be riding the waves of success in a very short period of time. One more thing...I encourage you to regularly donate a percentage of your income to charity. On A Final Note... I really just want to impart you this...you need to know what to spend your money on to make sure you don’t spend it all on useless stuff. Become clear on the difference between an asset and a liability. Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki gives a very simple explanation of the two: 1. An asset puts money in your pocket. 2. A liability takes money out. If you haven’t read Rich Dad Poor Dad already, I highly recommend you pick up your own copy. Assets are things that make you money, like a profitable network marketing or direct selling business. Liabilities are the things that cost you more money than they make you, like a car or owning a boat. Now I’m not saying that you shouldn’t buy all those luxury items like sports cars, yachts and big TVs (I know I love those things), I’m just saying to make sure you have the assets to back up your lifestyle. If you can really establish a HABIT with what I’ve handed over to you in this chapter and truthfully take to heart this knowledge, I can promise you that you can change how you think and behave TODAY even if you’re not making $50,000 a month yet.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 06:19:12 +0000

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