What Kind of Leadership Could Bring Social Justice to the - TopicsExpress


What Kind of Leadership Could Bring Social Justice to the Philippines? By Ruel F. Pepa NEWS JUNKIE POST Jun 24, 2014 We Filipinos face, at this juncture in our socio-political evolution as a people, some of the following nagging questions about justice. What and where is justice if those who are supposed to uphold, administer and render justice where it is due have miserably bungled justice and made a mockery of it? Who are the credible and respectable dispensers of justice, when the government’s stronghold of justice has collapsed and disintegrated into smithereens? What if the “authorized” lawmakers and definers of justice have made the very concept—and hence the spirit—of justice equivocal? What if the most genuine definition of justice is best understood in rational terms and held morally sacred by the people themselves? Are we not confident that a nation’s people is more intelligent, rational, creative, moral and decisive than the so-called ¨legal luminaries¨ who have turned the trek towards justice into a Herculean struggle? Do we underestimate those organic intellectuals (cf. Antonio Gramsci) among the people? Do Filipinos lack the discipline to adhere to strong principles and the sense of justice to make these principles pragmatic in daily life? newsjunkiepost/2014/06/24/what-kind-of-leadership-could-bring-social-justice-to-the-philippines/
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 13:57:39 +0000

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