What Mechanisms Are Provided Under The OPPT? With the lawful - TopicsExpress


What Mechanisms Are Provided Under The OPPT? With the lawful dissolution of the Corporate Government system comes the dissolution of the multitude of statutes and regulations that were created through its legislative and administrative frameworks. As Beneficiaries of the One People’s Public Trust, UCC, Universal Law and Common Law are the only rules in play. Universal Law is essentially the overarching principle for governing conduct between beings. Universal Law is expressed as ”any free will choice is permissible except where it interferes with the free will choice of another being”. This is fundamental to the OPPT framework. Common Law refers to laws of precedent developed through the decisions of courts and similar tribunals over millennia. Common Law works on the principle that it is unfair to treat similar facts differently on different occasions, and on the principle of “do no harm, cause no loss”. To facilitate our transition into the post-OPPT world, the Trustees created a new lawful framework – informed by Universal and Common Law – which will allow us to build a new world and also allows for the dismantling of the old system. Any person, and specifically existing military personnel whose oaths have been cancelled by the termination of the corporation they worked for, may “knowingly, willingly, and intentionally volunteer” to be bonded to the One People’s Public Trust “as public servants… to protect and serve the people of the creator”. Public Servants who choose to become bonded to the Trust are: “Authorized and ordered to protect and preserve the blood and life” of all persons Authorized to “take into custody any and all … agents and officers… owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems… legal enforcement systems… [and] operating slavery systems”. Authorized to “repossess all private money systems, tracking, transferring, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems”. “Granted due authority of discretion… to use any [and] all means, force and strategies… to complete this order”. In effect, willing members of the military are provided a lawful framework to abandon the Corporate-controlled military, to bond themselves to the OPP Trust, and to actively contribute to the re-possession of the One People’s assets. And if I’m any judge of human nature, an increasing number of agents will be glad to accept these “orders”! Now… the ‘enforcement’ order doesn’t mean that public servants will come and arrest the first collections agent that calls you about your overdue credit card. It is the role of each of us – as Beings of the Creator – to help others at ground-level to understand this change, by informing them and providing them with Courtesy Notices. The ‘enforcement’ order relates to the Owners of the foreclosed Corporate Government structure; the 1%. Assistance Centres for the One People ‘Community service’ was clearly not a motivator to the former owners of “the system”. Nonetheless, their corporations fulfilled some necessary functions of public assistance like police and public health services… albeit in hopes we wouldn’t notice they were corporations! So what provisions does OPPT include for public service? Creator’s Value Asset Centres (or CVAC’s) are assistance mechanisms designed to support and serve humanity, the custodians of Earth. They provide an interconnected planet-wide network of support, operated by bonded public servants who act in full liability at all times. They provide a simple framework of governance and administration, covering 8 areas of functional process: Systems of Knowledge Communication Travel Transparency Protection & peacekeeping Accountability Treasury Repossession* * The transitional function of reclaiming from The Debtor the resources, infrastructure and wealth of the One People, in accordance with the terms of the One People’s Public Trust. Each former nation on the planet has one CVAC branch reserved for it, with the exception of the Vatican. Each CVAC branch will administer the same services and operate in the same way as the CVAC branches in other regions. Every human on the planet will be supported by each and any CVAC hub, and every human will have access to the same resources and support networks. Each administrative area of each CVAC will be operated by a local council and led by a steward, whose primary role is to co-ordinate and facilitate the One People in making decisions and resolving issues. The structure also allows for additional sub-CVACs to be created to accommodate new circumstances or initiatives, provided that their function is for the benefit of all Beings and doesn’t undermine the freewill rights of others. In an interview on The CrowHouse on 15th February 2013, OPPT Trustee Heather Tucci-Jarraf described the CVAC structure as “a safe and guarded place for you to Be and Do as you choose… just don’t damage anybody else”. Our possibilities are literally boundless! By its definition, the CVAC system is the antithesis of the corrupt corporate tools we called “Governments”. Accountability, measurability and transparency are the cornerstones of the CVAC framework. CVACs will provide the platform for us to simplify and unify laws for all, and to ensure the needs of all are met. They are prevented from impinging on the free will of any entity “in any and all existence”, and bound to “preserve and protect all creations, and value and asset centres”. Stewards and council members will be subject to 3-monthly renewal of their bonded roles, which ensures that public servants remain responsible to “the One People” at all times. For these reasons, CVACs are the foundation of a new type of governance. The system now serves us, and not the other way around. And with awareness and support from the One People swelling, its first task will be to remove the old cabal. Documentation relating to the creation and terms of CVAC’s is available at i-uv. Further information will be published soon. Moving Forward As “The One People” The One People’s Public Trust represents a massive paradigm shift. It provides a structural change that will enable a long-overdue energetic change. The OPPT ratifies our freedom as Beings of the Creator in perpetuity. It corrects by law the imbalances of poverty, inequity and unsustainability. It provides a platform through which we can all experience the wonders and resources of our planet. And by removing the façade of corporate entities and the ridiculous protocols that protected its perpetrators, we will energetically reconnect with each other. As Beings. In full liability. Each with equity. As we are. Free. We are in a period of massive social, political and spiritual transformation. Personally, this transition feels a little like we are between worlds. The systemic framework that controlled our lives for so long has been removed, but the change hasn’t yet manifested in full in the physical world around us. The process of reforming former corporations into worldwide co-operatives will no doubt take time, but we already have the lawful power to reject the old system. And yet it hasn’t stopped pretending to be real. We have so many decisions to make too! What will we choose to BE and DO in the new world? What opportunities will we create with the CVACs framework? And realistically, what will we do with the “Powers That Were”? For now, it is the duty of every human Being to manifest the freedom of the One People’s Public Trust in our daily lives, and to help others to understand and integrate and manifest it in their lives too. Freedom is not free. It comes with responsibility. Change starts with you. Do the right thing now. Embrace your responsibility. Spread the word. OPPT IN. WE ARE FREE! Visit the new OPPT page on Wake Up World! Read other articles about OPPT Listen to radio shows about OPPT Connect with OPPT-In social media groups Visit other websites that support OPPT Locate OPPT documentation, press releases and other materials Related articles: The One People’s Public Trust (OPPT): Your Frequently Asked Questions… ANSWERED Open Letter to the Prime Minister of ‘COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA’ regarding the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) OPPT – One People Public Trust Dissolved! Thank You for your Service Corporations Masquerading as Government in Australia & World Wide Corporations Masquerading as Government (Part II): Which “Government” Can We Trust? About the author Andy Whiteley is the co-founder of Wake Up World and a Being of the Creator. Special thanks to Chris Hales, Ken & Scott Bartle, Lisa Harrison, and Ryan & Lea Mullins for their invaluable input. Respect and gratitude to the Trustees of the One People’s Public Trust. Peace and love to the One People created by the Creator, and to every other entity in any and all existences. I AM FREEEEEEE !!!
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 02:30:22 +0000

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