What Money Loves I always know when Im doing something in my - TopicsExpress


What Money Loves I always know when Im doing something in my business that I shouldnt be doing. Not in the sense of feeling like Im doing something wrong by the WORLDS standards (Im pretty much always breaking the rules in that regard!) but more in the sense of doing something wrong by ME. Not being true to myself. Not standing in authenticity. Not working from a place of ALIGNMENT. When Im in that kind of icky and misaligned place, things feel like a struggle. Money seems to be fighting with me, then pushing me over and running away. People seem to be generally more annoying to deal with. Things start to go a little off in the rest of my life. Everything just gets - Messy. And slow. And FRUSTRATING. And the more I try to wade my way out of it, the more stuck I seem to become. Eventually, I acknowledge that this thing I was telling myself I HAD to do, or really SHOULD do, or COULD simply put up with is actually a kind of sabotage. Eventually, I remember that whenever money is flowing and Im feeling good its because Im totally in my zone in all areas. Im writing from a place of being in my zone - Im speaking that way - And Im selling that way - It really is a pretty simple recipe for success, but yet for some reason, and especially everytime Im shifting into new expansion within my business, I seem to end up back in that place of Fighting To Make Things Work. Knowing even as I GO there that its not going to work out (it cant!) but yet stubbornly insisting on doing it anyway! At least these days I seem to be more aware of my foolishness, more able to recognise my own tricks, and more readily able to thus move away from them. Yet the crazy thing is, even though Ive been taught this lesson SO many times and even though I admit myself I KNOW whats going on here, I do continue to go back looking for another universal slap on the wrist. Maybe Im a glutton for punishment? Or maybe theres just still stuff for me to learn :) Either way, its safe to say Ive learned a few things about money. And I can tell you with certainty that money? It does NOT love it when you try too hard to make it come to you. It does NOT love it when you do things just because you think theyre a good IDEA for its sake. And it does not love it when you entertain thoughts of fear or doubt or anxiety. Want to know what money does love? Money loves clarity. You, being clear on the message that you are here to impart to the world. Hint: you can CHOOSE clarity, you dont have to earn it. Money loves aligned action. You gotta do the work if you want the results. But it has to be ALIGNED work. This means - speaking your truth, in a no BS and totally YOU sort of way, and getting that truth out there to people. Money loves enthusiasm and passion. You will not make money trying desperately to sell something to make money. You WILL make money when your offerings flows absolutely from joy, enthusiasm and passion. You, sharing your message with the world and excited to help people get results with it! Money loves courage. You have to stop putting off being the you who you say you want to be. You want to operate as THAT kind of leader and top entrepreneur? Then stop being this shy and scared one who is playing small hoping to scrape together enough of a living to, what? QUALIFY to be able to live the life she really wants to live? Just live it now! Money loves certainty. You know deep down what you really want to do with people, and for them. So freaking well do it! Act as if if you dont yet have the confidence you think you need. Money loves fearlessness. You have to be willing to put your money AND your action-taking where your mouth is. You cant teeter on the ledge forever you know! Either jump, or go back to that safe place where everything is a struggle and you feel frustrated because youre not living your best life. Heres a tip: standing on the ledge is not living your best life either. And if youre not going to jump, then get out of the way of the people who DO want to do what it takes. Money loves self-worth. Self-worth is also something you can choose. Choose to be worthy. Choose to RECEIVE. Give yourself permission to be the you who you were born to be and to ALLOW money into your life. Money loves authenticity. Anytime you do something because you think you should do it, you push money further away from you. Anytime you try to base your own set of rules or values on what the world says is right, you limit your success. There is only ONE business model that will work for you, and its the one that FEELS AWESOME FOR YOU. Probably, it hasnt yet EVER been invented. Because you have to invent it :) Money loves it when you honour yourself. Dont do stuff you dont wanna do. For people you dont wanna do it for. In a way that is not aligned for you. It NEVER works. And lastly - Money really does love you. Money is all around, there is NO limit to what is available. So if youre struggling, fighting, and its just not working its because YOU have chosen to limit it. So ask yourself - What is the lesson I need to learn right now? Whats not in alignment for me right now? What would I be doing differently if I had ALL the money I could ever ask for? (And what does that tell you?) And how much longer am I willing to put up with this situation? You get whatever you choose gorgeous. You can choose to let money love you and love it right back, by being aligned and true to yourself in your message, your voice, your sales processes, your everything, or you can continue choosing the path of struggle. Either way, there are lessons to be learned. Might as well learn em from a place of wealth. Choose wealth today. Choose YOURSELf today. Choose to ALLOW money in. Choose ALIGNMENT. And STOP choosing to operate out of fear or scarcity. Money wants to flow to you baby! But for that to happen you need to open up the gates and let it in. You need to trust that you CAN make it by being you. And you need to start now. After all - Life is Now. Press Play! Kat PS This is the final week to register to finish off the year with me as a private client in my 8-week intensive! Monday is the final start date, not only for this year but for good - Ill no longer be offering short-term private coaching in 2015 so if youve been teetering on that ledge and youd like MY help to create your ideal business and life now, both to do the inner work you need to do to create a mindset of success and get into alignment as well as a practical sales and marketing strategy that WORKS, then now is the time! Get in touch and let me know youre ready x
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 03:55:29 +0000

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