What Parents Say About Mathnasium! This approach completely - TopicsExpress


What Parents Say About Mathnasium! This approach completely changed how I think about math. — Suzanne Stein, parent & 5th grade teacher She thinks math is more fun and enjoys going to Mathnasium! She is more enthusiastic, more interested in math homework. — Jaqueline Aherns, parent He is really excited to go to Mathnasium! I first noticed her improvement when her dad and I were discussing a possible upgrade to her cell phone. When we learned the price, I blurted, WOW, $117, well we may have to wait on that! and her immediate response was, Mom, if you two split it, thats under $60 a piece, $58.50 to be exact. I was so impressed by her response... This may seem as just simple math to you, however, my 11-year-old would not have been able to calculate that just a few months prior. My daughter absolutely loves your program! More good news is that I just received her report card and she went from a D, subject to a Fail in math, to a C-E-E, in just 5 weeks. The grade also included a teachers comment of Im proud of your childs achievement. Thank you SO much for your efforts and expertise. You (and the Mathnasium program) truly make a difference! She asks to come to Mathnasium... keep up the good work. ... (Sarah) is so excited because she now has an 83 in Algebra II and is steadily climbing. She should be able to finish with a strong B if she keeps this up. I know shell want to tell you all about it tonight if youre still there... Its neat to see her excited about math for the first time ever! He is no longer scared of math... he asks to go to Mathnasium. Kailees confidence has improved tremendously in all her subjects. Mathnasium has not only helped in math, its helped in all her subjects. All of Kailees grades have improved. She made honor roll for the first time since pre-K this year. Thank you Mathnasium! She has proclaimed she likes math now; she also says shes getting more math done at school. Last week the 4th grade had its math benchmark test. Gracie made 91% and had the 4th best grade in her [class of about 40 students]. Gracie was so excited, as were we. Thanks. Shes more willing to do her homework and shes less afraid to take tests. Just a quick note to let you know [how helpful] you have been with Ali and her math class. As a result of her time spent at Mathnasium… she [improved] her SAT score [and] her pre-calc class was a much more positive experience because of [your] help... I will share our success with anyone I know who might have a need for your service. ...Math isnt a task anymore, but a challenge. I just wanted to send you a quick note regarding Ravens math grade this last grading period. Raven has always made As or Bs on her report card in math but she has never made 100%…I am pleased to inform you that this last grading period she made 100%! Raven loves going to Mathnasium. I think she is really starting to see the benefit in her going at least once a week if not more. Every week she even asks me what days she will be going that week in order for her to clear her schedule to make time to go. Thanks for all that you do and keep up the good work. She loves to come here; she would get anxious and frustrated just talking about math before. Now she feels more confident about her ability and relaxed about the subject. Amanda is in advanced classes, and is for the most part an A student, but she struggles with math, and her grades had gone down to Bs and Cs... This week, all of the students in her math class were struggling with their lesson—none of them got it. Amanda raised her hand and proceeded to show her classmates how to solve the problem the way Marc taught her. She feels better about herself since coming here, and understands how to solve problems she is taught. After only two sessions at Mathnasium she was asking me to take her back for a third session right away. She said that she loves it at Mathnasium!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 22:38:24 +0000

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