What Republicans hope to get out of this whole episode remains to - TopicsExpress


What Republicans hope to get out of this whole episode remains to be seen. They could set up a situation where the disability program faces a crisis on a regular basis. If thats the course they take, to keep up the pressure for action on Social Security, having a well-established villain would a political asset. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) implying that half of those on disability are either anxious or their back hurts typifies the talking point thats taking hold. Conservatives have shown that they really see 2016 as an opportunity to pit people with disabilities against seniors, Rebecca Vallas, policy director at the liberal Center for American Progress, told TPM. The language in the rule is so transparent in what theyre trying to communicate, about how reallocation would be raiding Social Security and hurting seniors. Question: What if questions about predestination, eternal security, demon possession, infant baptism, others, were brought up for debate in the evangelical world? Would those fracture the political alliances?
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 22:24:00 +0000

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