What To Do? Where To - TopicsExpress


What To Do? Where To Start? We have covered a large number of supplements in this online ebook. As this can be a bit overwhelming, we are going to summarize them so that you can better make a decision as to what to do, if you want to do anything. We will do so by grouping the supplements according to their energetic testing results. Following the logic that the higher potency supplements, with the higher numbers, are more powerful cancer fighters. And the more of these you use, the better. This is born out in practice. Then we will give you some further tips about the product combinations. But before that, here is a summary of some things to do if you feel you cant afford to purchase supplements. These suggestions have more value than many expensive supplements being used to fight cancer. Low Or No Cost Suggestions For starters, stop eating processed, refined, sugarized foods. Eat simple. Whole grains, lots of vegetables. Cut down on animal protein -- though a little is okay. Try to make at least any animal protein organic. All organic is best of course. Cut out all sugars, cookies, chips, etc. unless you are on BLA. Now of course, you may not want to change your habits. In that case make sure you are using BLA as the more you feed the cancer cells, the more lactic acid they produce and the faster they will die. Do a modification of the Budwig flax seed protocol. Grind or blend up organic flax seeds fresh every day as they are much less expensive than flax oil. To get Omega 6 EFAs grind up raw organic sesame seeds too. Use at least 3 tablespoons ground up flax seed and 5 tablespoons sesame seed. If using oils instead, make those teaspoons instead of tablespoons. Grind up and eat fresh, or store ground up mixture in the refrigerator. Blend in with cottage cheese or yogurt to enhance absorption. You can make a smoothie with this if you want. Berries are good to use as they are not as sweet as other fruits. This combination tests at 300. Get the Vitamin D3 Plus with a 970 rating when using 25 drops a day, 50,000 units. You would need a bit over a bottle a month. You can use this much for about 3 months. Follow the basic tenants of the Gerson Diet focusing on lots of raw juices, a vegan diet, and organic coffee enemas. This could end up being more expensive than eating your normal diet, but as it is replacing your normal diet, it may not cost much if you already have a juicer or can borrow one. Tests stronger than most usual supplements and treatments, at 800. Something the person with cancer can and should do is the Louise Hay healing affirmation for cancer. People have beat cancer using this affirmation. I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my world with joy. I love and approve of myself. Say this affirmation 10 times a day, in one session is fine. Energetic testing puts this affirmation, when done correctly, at 310. Another affirmation Dr. Whittaker recommends all his patients use is the classic, Every day in every way, I am getting better and better. He gets a lot of positive feedback from his patients on the benefits of this affirmation. You dont have to believe an affirmation to get benefit from saying it. Say either, or both of these affirmations10 times a day and you will have benefit. Low Budget Suggestions If you are on a limited budget, but can afford to get a few supplements, the most important one to take for an early stage cancer, stages 0 to 3 -- if you can do only one thing -- is: Immune Force -- 2 bottles per month. Or less expensive, Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ -- 3 bottles per month For a low budget advanced stage cancer strategy, increase Immune Force to 3 bottles per month. What To Do To Save Someone With Very Advanced End Stage Cancer When someones body is breaking down, with significant problems, they are in a process that is leading to death, and are said to be in an end stage of their cancer. This is not necessarily the end. Many people will still be able to reverse this process if they take the right actions. That action must be significant, and the sooner it can be started the better. Fundamentally, you do not try to kill a lot of cancer when someone is in very bad shape. Their body would not be able to handle the work or eliminating dead cancer cells. You must focus on getting the body healthier so that it can survive. This may take a couple of months. Then you can start to hit the cancer more vigorously. Listed in order of importance, here are the best supplements to use or actions to take. The more that can be done, the better. UltraLiver12 -- three bottles a month. Most often a poorly functioning liver, whether it is functioning poorly because it has been overloaded by rounds of chemotherapy, or has cancer in it, or both. When the liver isnt working well, toxins build up in the body, poisoning it. Quite often the main reason someone is in the end stage is because chemo toxins are poisoning them to such an extent that they are dying. Supporting the liver is fundamental when it comes to increasing the chances of survival in end stage cancers. Ronuv and OxyDHQ are next in importance. Like PrugX and BLA, use these at a reduced amount so that not too many cancer cells are killed. Use 2 bottles of each per month. At this level, this is the best infection fighting duo we know of. Ronuv is especially powerful at targeting pathogens, and OxyDHQ helps it work even better. As infections are a major cause of death in very advanced cancers, this infection fighting ability is important. In addition Ronuv and OxyDHQ are flooding the body with additional cellular oxygen -- vital for preventing cells from turning cancerous, and helping poorly functioning cells to work better. They will also help detoxify the body by oxidizing toxins. Fulvitea supplies predigested protein peptides and contains other regenerative ingredients that support healing. One of the common characteristics of a body in distress is that the energy required to recover is no longer available. Fulvitea provides energy without taxing your system - making it the perfect choice for recuperation. Its an all-natural essential protein food supplement that is fully absorbable. Typically your body will use the protein peptides in Fulvitea to repair the liver as the liver is the most important organ to fix. Especially for catabolic wasting. In catabolic wasting, the liver is not functioning properly and cannot make protein. The body will use the predigested protein peptides in Fulvitea to repair liver function. Typically using 2 containers a month of Fulvitea along with the Endocar will typically reverse catabolic wasting in two months. If the body is in a very depleted state, with a great deal of muscle loss, then using more Fulvitea will support the body more completely. Depending on how poor your health is, you may need to use as much as 6 containers a month for a few months. The worse off you are, the more you need. Endocar is a frequency enhanced water elixir delivering energies to the body that are designed to support someone with very advanced end stage cancer, fighting death. The energies in Endocar support the detoxification organs, increase nutrient absorption, help stop catabolic wasting by stimulating liver regeneration, fight infections, increase cellular life force energy and more. Endocar works on issues that often are the actual cause of death in end stage cancers. Use 4 bottles a month. CSE also helps support the body. It micro clusters fluid in the body which enables more toxins to be eliminated from cells, and more nutrients to enter cells. Its ability to enhance nutrient absorption is what makes it so important to use when dealing with end stage cancer. Use 4 bottles a month. Of course, it will also be fighting cancer too. Detox Elixir provides support for the liver, kidneys and for cellular detoxification. It is our most powerful elixir for supporting detoxification. We dont suggest using Detox Elixir while using BLA as it does too good a job of pulling toxins from cells. But for the first two months of getting someone strong enough to be able to fight the cancer vigorously, when BLA would not be used, Detox elixir is excellent to do. The more support for the liver, kidneys and detoxification in general, the better. Organic coffee enemas are also quite valuable to do. There are directions on how to do them online. Enemas in general help pull toxins out of the colon, always valuable to do. Organic coffee enemas are even better because the coffee is picked up and carried to the liver. Several ingredients in the coffee will stimulate production of glutathione in the liver, which enables the liver to neutralize toxins. Then the enema pulls the toxic bile full of these toxins out of the body so that these toxins are not reabsorbed. Users report feeling better. It is common to notice a significant reduction in pain. When doing these on your own, it is probably best to do these every other day. Two special situations that require extra help... 1. Vomiting and Nausea. When you have had enough chemotherapy to completely overload your livers ability to get rid of the chemo toxins, those toxins build up in the cells in your body. Depending on the toxicity of the chemotherapy, on the shape your liver was in before chemo was started, and whether cancer in the liver is interfering with the ability of liver to function, this can happen right away or after several rounds of chemo. The best course of action would have been to support the liver before and during the chemo with supplements like UltraLiver12, Liver Balance Plus, or Nymsar. However if you are at the stage where you are experiencing vomiting and or nausea, then more drastic action needs to take place. What happens is that toxins get stored in cells in the stomach wall, among other places, and irritate the wall -- causing nausea and vomiting. Smoking marajuana is said to help with this, and it seems to help a bit as it tests at 230 for this. The very best and fastest way to deal with this issue is to use Glutathione Specialist. Glutathione Specialist is an energy infused liposomal glutathione. Glutathione is the single best cellular toxin neutralizer in the body. It is very poorly absorbed into cells except when taken in a liposomal delivery system where it is hidden inside phospholipids. The additional energies in Glutathione Specialist help it work better. The idea is to as quickly as possible neutralize and eliminate the chemo toxins that are stuck in cells to such an extent that they are causing nausea and vomiting. You need to use a lot of it. Up to 9 or more bottles over the course of about 3 weeks. The more you do, the faster the toxins are neutralized, and the faster the chemo induced vomiting and nausea will stop. It tests at 730 for helping with vomiting and nausea. 2. Catabolic Wasting -- If you are not in an end stage, but are losing muscle mass even though you are eating well, most likely your liver is not converting amino acids to protein because it is functioning poorly. As mentioned above, Fulvitea is the most important product for rebuilding the liver so that it can start making protein again. It provides predigested protein peptides and other renewal factors to turn on healing. Use 2 bottles a month. Next in importance is to use Immune Force to also rebuild and support the liver. Use 3 bottles a month. Add on Endocar if possible to further accelerate liver regeneration. Two bottles a month. It will take two months, most likely, to get your liver producing protein again. General Protocols To Help You Decide What To Get You can click on the name of the cancer that you are dealing with to see a protocol suggested for that type of cancer. ** If it is imperative to avoid swelling, only use the 1 bottle a month dosage of BLA, PrugX, Glutam, PrugX Enhancer and BLA Enhancer. With the addition of Glutam, these elixirs now cause an even faster buildup of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells. While this is great for more quickly causing cancer cells to die, it is likely that the cells could swell up from this increased accumulation of lactic acid. Less is being neutralized, thanks to Glutam, so more stays in the cells. This accumulation may cause each cell to swell, and thus the tumor to swell as a whole. Using 1 bottle a month instead of 3 or 4 per month may decrease effectiveness by 25%. Enough of a decrease to slow down any possible swelling, but still strong enough to knock out cancer. Bladder Cancer Bone Cancer Brain Cancer Breast Cancer Carcinoma Cervical Cancer Colon Cancer Endometrial Cancer Esophageal Cancer Hodgkins Lymphoma Inflammatory Breast Cancer Kidney Cancer Larynx Cancer Leukemia Liver Cancer Melanoma Malignant Neoplasm Mesothelioma Mouth Cancer Multiple Myeloma Neuroendocrine Cancer Non Hodgkins Lymphoma NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer Osteosarcoma Oral Cancer Ovarian Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Prostate Cancer Rectal Cancer Renal Cell Carcinoma Sarcoma Small Cell Lung Cancer Stomach Cancer Testicular Cancer Throat Cancer Thymoma Thyroid Cancer Urinary Cancer Uterine Cancer Vaginal Cancer The Best Cancer Fighters -- When Swelling Is Okay (When cancer is in, or has spread to the brain, bones, spine, throat, or someplace where there would be pain or dysfunction if a tumor were to swell up, such as inside a kidney, you must avoid supplements that kill cancer cells or boost your immune system to better kill cancer cells. You need to avoid these because the immune system uses inflammation to get rid of killed cancer cells. The cancer killers below kill cancer so quickly tumors swell up from this inflammation as there are so many dead cancer cells in the tumors. If you need to avoid swelling, skip to the list below this one that covers supplements that fight cancer by causing the cancer cells to die a natural death -- which doesnt result in an inflammatory response by the immune system.) Immune Force, the elixirs BLA, Glutam, PrugX, Reveal, Dtosin, GlioX, and Telomerase, plus pHenOH are top rated cancer fighters in both cases, whether you need to avoid swelling or not. They cause natural cell death so can be used when you need to avoid swelling too. Other top cancer fighters in this list kill cancer cells, or help boost your immune system to kill cancer cells. And because the immune system uses inflammation to get rid of KILLED cancer cells, they will cause your tumors to inflame and swell as it is getting rid of the killed cancer cells. This inflammation is normal and is not a problem except when the tumor is in a place where it could cause pain or dysfunction if it swells. If you can see your tumor, you will notice when using these powerful cancer killers that it will become inflamed and bigger for a while as you kill the cancer cells in it. Dont let this worry you. It is a sign the cancer is being killed. You can more quickly bring down the size of the tumor by adding on Nano Red and pHenOH to what you are using. Nano Red will help to break up the tumor and to more quickly eliminate the dead cells. Use Nano Red to keep the lymph system flowing better and to reduce the size of lymph nodes as they will swell up with dead cancer cells. Cancer in the lungs To deal with cancer in the lungs, pHenOH is top rated at 28,600 when used in a nebulizer and while also taking BLA and Glutam. This energized OH water concentrate will directly kill cancer cells in the lungs. BLA and Glutam significantly increase its ability to kill cancer cells. 2 or 3 bottles a month pH and Cancer section Cancers and tumors close to the skin or on the skin When also using BLA and Glutam, AlkalOH Gel is top rated at 22,600 for reducing tumor size and healing cancers anywhere close to the skin. On its own it tests at 16,300. It drives the OH water into the tumor or cancer cells, where it kills cancer cells. Use 1 to 3 bottles a month. pH and Cancer section In the suggested use quantities given in the list below, the first and lowest number is for early stage cancer, the second number is for advanced cancers, and the third number, if there is one, is the number of bottles to use per month for very advanced cancers. Immune Force is the MVP (Most Vital Product) of cancer remedies. Its cancer healing power is 22,000. It is a unique and specialized herbal, oil, and mushroom extract formulation that heals the body along with getting the immune system to better fight cancer. Reduces inflammation too. Use 2 to 4 bottles a month. Immune System and Cancer section Immune Force alone can certainly be powerful enough to cause your body to eliminate cancer. However, the top elixirs that cause natural cell death in cancer cells, work very powerfully with Immune Force. Elixir Combo Swelling Ok has each of the following elixirs: BLA, BLA Enhancer, Glutam, PrugX, PrugX Enhancer, Dtosin, Reveal, GlioX, Telomerase, Tumorin, RAD, and CSE. This combination tests at 38.700. Using 3 or 4 bottles of each a month. Elixir Combo 1 of each has one of each of the following elixirs: BLA, BLA Enhancer, Glutam, PrugX, PrugX Enhancer, Dtosin, Reveal, GlioX, Telomerase, Tumorin, RAD, and CSE. This combination tests at 30,400. Use 1 of each a month. pHenOH taken orally with BLA and Glutam tests at 18,500 energized OH water concentrate that removes acids and toxins, oxygenates, kills cancer cells and pathogens. Use 2 or 3 bottles a month. pH and Cancer Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ is 12,500 when used with BLA, Dtosin, GlioX and Telomerase, elixirs that supercharge its effectiveness. Use 2, 3 or 4 two ounce bottles a month. Remember, as with all other supplements, Zeolite can be used with all chemotherapies - except you must stop taking zeolite 3 days before platinum based chemotherapies and wait 3 days after to restart. Cancer Killers BLA, BLA Enhancer and Glutam work together to cause lactic acid to build up in cancer cells. BLA blocks lactic acid elimination from cancer cells so the lactic acid builds up in cancer cells, and they die a natural death. BLA Enhancer and Glutam reduce the ability of cancer cells to neutralize that buildup. Use 1 to 4 bottles a month. 2 ounce dropper bottles. pH and Cancer section PrugX and PrugX Enhancer PrugX causes a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells. PrugX Enhancer reduces the ability of the cancer cells to neutralize that buildup. When using the PrugXs, BLAs and Glutam, you get a toxic buildup in cancer cells of hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid that cancer cells cant neutralize. Use1 to 4 bottles a month. The Anti-oxidants and Cancer section covers PrugX in detail. Reveal tests at 10,700. Reveal is an elixir that stops expression of the CD47 protein and the nagalase enzyme that hide cancer cells from the immune system cells. Use 3 or 4 bottles a month. Immune System and Cancer Dtosin tests at 9900. This frequency enhanced elixir turns on several processes in cancer cells that cause cancer cell apoptosis or natural cell death. GlioX tests at 9800. This elixir stops several strategies cancer cells use to either protect themselves or grow more aggressively. Immune System and Cancer Telomerase tests at 9800. This elixir prevents cancer cells from producing telomerase enzymes. The causes cancer cell apoptosis. Immune System and Cancer Tumorin tests at 9700. This elixir increases production of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes and reduces production of PD-L1 (because PD-L1 reduces production of immune system cells that fight cancer). RAD tests at 9300. This elixir supplies frequencies of low dose radiation to disrupt and kill cancer cells and to stimulate immune system response. Immune System and Cancer CSE tests at 8600. Use 3, 4, or 5 bottles a month of this elixir. It micro clusters the fluids in your body. In addition, it causes cancer cells to die a natural death because of its low hertz levels. CSE works synergistically with ESME and BLA. pH and Cancer section All the above work synergistically together. If you cant afford to get several bottles a month of each, even the one bottle a month dosage is producing superior results. There are lots of ways to beat cancer. As everyone is different, you dont know what you will need to do to get the job done, and the more vigorously you deal with it, if the supplements are powerful enough, the more likely you will succeed. ESME version C tests at 15,400. Use 3, 4 or 5 bottles a month. This mineral based elixir has been potentized to kill cancer cells. Immune System and Cancer section Quzu tests at 12400. 3 or 4 bottles per month. The energies in it tell your body to create an explosion of endorphin production so the brain can better control the immune system, tell the body to product more glutathione to enhance detoxification, and they boost the cellular life force vibrations per minute to enable your immune system to function even better. Immune System and Cancer section PrugX Immune Boost It helps the immune system better identify cancer cells so that they can be dealt with. Use 3, 4 or 6 bottles of each a month. Immune System and Cancer section YewImmune5 and M-Inhibitor together test at 9300. They work together to stop cancer cell replication. Use 3, 4 or 5 bottles a month of each. Immune System and Cancer section When using Immune Force, the 4 products above are not quite as important to use. Ronuv tests at 7000 and is combination of many different elixirs mixed into low deuterium water, supercharged with additional energies in a unique subtle energy transmitting laser technology, give Ronuv a targeted oxygenation capability that focuses on cancer cells and viruses. When OxyDHQ and Oxy Life Force Elixir are also used in conjunction with Ronuv, this combination tests at 9800 in healing power for fighting cancer when used in the appropriate quantities. Use 3, 4 or 5 bottles of each one. Oxygenation and Cancer section Royal Ling Zhi helps get oxygen better absorbed into cells. Tests at 7600 3 or 4 bottles a month. Oxygen and Cancer section StressDefense is also being supercharged with the laser technology, comes in at 6300. Use 1, 2 or 3 bottles per month. Because of its broad range of nutrient support to the body, it is the most important immune system booster to use for cancer prevention. Immune System and Cancer section Nymsar tests at 2200. It is an elixir that both strongly supports the liver and also decreases inflammation significantly. Works synergistically with Immune Force for liver support. Use 3 or 4 bottles a month. Chemicals and Cancer section Super PEO tests at 1900 when using 2 bottles a month. One of the top supplements for cancer prevention. Oxygen and Cancer section Sayunt tests at 2600 for females with hormonal cancers. ESME Prostate tests at 2200 for males with prostate cancer. Much stronger when used in addition to traditional hormonal chemotherapies. Chemotherapies and Cancer OCMP comes in at 1280 for fighting cancer. You cannot use it when using BLA as it will neutralize the buildup of acid in cancer cells that BLA causes. However, it is quite valuable for cancer prevention pH and Cancer section Neuroliminal Training Cancer NT CD comes in at 1110 in general for cancer and is especially important if you know stress or loss may have led to the cancer. A one time purchase, you put the CD on repeat and listen to it while you sleep, or during the day, at a barely audible level. In the Stress and Cancer section because it works to resolve any possible psychological issues that may have lead to your cancer. Fulvitea is 1030. Use 3, 4 or 6 containers a month. Fights cancer, but most important for dealing with catabolic wasting as it helps to repair the liver, and for end stage cancers where its predigested protein and regenerative factors are a source of easy to use nutrient support for the body. Endocar and Fulvitea used together for catabolic wasting, test very strong at 3260. Enzymes for Cancer section P-A-L Plus enzymes test energetically at 920 for its ability to get rid of dead cancer cells by digesting them. This takes a major load off the immune system and the detoxification system and enables you to attack the cancer more vigorously. It will, as it digests the dead cells in tumors, works to reduce tumor size. This is especially important if you have bone cancer or brain tumors, or any type of tumor in a place where it is causing pain or dysfunction. Previously PapayaPro had been suggested, but PapayaPro slightly decreases effectiveness of PrugX. Use P-A-L in very high doses, 4 to 8 bottles or more a month, in water on an empty stomach. Enzymes for Cancer section CandiClear5 energetically tests at 853. It is especially valuable for colon, stomach and rectal cancers where more of the fossilized phytoplankton and clay will be working on the cancer. Fungus and Cancer section Life Support tests at 750 when 8 bottles a month of this herbal circulation enhancer are used. It increases the effectiveness of whatever else you are using by driving it further throughout your body. Oxygen and Cancer section Custom Elixir LS tests at 620 in healing power for people with cancer in their lymph system. It is always a valuable product if you have cancer in your lymph system, and useful even if you dont. With the super powerful cancer cell killers we now recommend, users are finding that their lymph system is becoming clogged up with cancer cells that have been killed and that their lymph nodes are swelling. Using P-A-L Plus and Custom Elixir LS will help deal with this issue. Use 2 or 3 bottles a month of Custom Elixir LS. Energetics for Cancer section UltraImmune9, when used in high therapeutic dosages of 6, 9 or 12 90 capsule bottles a month, comes in at 630. That would be using 18, 27 or 36 capsules a day. Much stronger than AHCC and other mushroom products we tested. Immune System and Cancer section Vitamin D3 Plus is 440. Use 10 drops every day when dealing with cancer. Inexpensive and powerful, everyone should be using this one. Immune System and Cancer section pH Balancer 8.0 is a 499. Use 3, 4 or 5 of these 90 tablet bottles per month. Because this potentizes many of the top rated supplements, it is much more valuable than its rating suggests. It is also anti-inflammatory. pH and Cancer section Liver Balance Plus is 394 for its ability to turn on and support the liver. Significantly better than most liver support products. It is most often called for when there is no cancer in the liver but the user needs a lot of liver support. Use 2, 3 or 4 bottles a month. Chemicals and Cancer section For most cancers you can use the energetic testing numbers above to help you decide what to get. The higher the number the more vigorous its action. Try to spread out the action. If you have a couple of the top immune system supplements, and can only get one or two more supplements, consider dropping down further in the list and picking up OCMP and maybe something like Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ to hit the cancer in different way. If you have any cancer in your liver, or if chemo is wiping you out, a sure sign of a poorly functioning liver, add on Liver Balance Plus if you are not using Immune Force, and Nymsar if you are using Immune Force. UltraLiver12 is the strongest liver support, but interferes with PrugX and PrugX Enhancer. If you have any cancer in your kidneys, or if they have been damaged by chemo, give your kidneys additional support with Kidney Rescue and Custom Elixir KID. When we energetically test people who have been using some or all of the highest rated supplements, we are finding huge decreases in the amount of cancer cells. Our energetic testing is picking up as much as a 25% to 50% decrease in live cancer cells within a month, depending on how many of these products are used, even with advanced cancers (when taking the advanced cancer dosages). The Best Supplements When You Cant Risk Inflammation and Tumor Swelling ** If it is imperative to avoid swelling, only use the 1 bottle a month dosage of BLA, PrugX, Glutam, PrugX Enhancer and BLA Enhancer. With the addition of Glutam, these elixirs now cause an even faster buildup of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells. While this is great for more quickly causing cancer cells to die, it is likely that the cells could swell up from this increased accumulation of lactic acid. Less is being neutralized, thanks to Glutam, so more stays in the cells. This accumulation may cause each cell to swell, and thus the tumor to swell as a whole. Using 1 bottle a month instead of 3 or 4 per month may decrease effectiveness by 25%. Enough of a decrease to slow down any possible swelling, but still strong enough to knock out cancer. The protocols and these suggestions below may not yet reflect this decrease in quantity we are suggesting. In the suggested use quantities given in the list below, the first and lowest number is for early stage cancer, the second number is for advanced cancers, and the third number, if there is one, is the number of bottles to use per month for very advanced cancers. You can more quickly bring down the size of the tumor by adding on Nano Red to what you are using. It will help to break up the tumor and to more quickly eliminate the dead cells. Use Nano Red to keep the lymph system flowing better and to reduce the size of lymph nodes as they will swell up with dead cancer cells. Immune Force is the MVP (Most Vital Product) of cancer remedies. Its cancer healing power is 22,000. It is a unique and specialized herbal, oil, and mushroom extract formulation that heals the body along with getting the immune system to better fight cancer. Reduces inflammation too. Use 2 to 4 bottles a month. Immune System and Cancer section Immune Force alone can certainly be powerful enough to cause your body to eliminate cancer. However, the top elixirs that cause natural cell death in cancer cells, work very powerfully with Immune Force. Elixir Combo No Swelling has 1 each of the following elixirs: BLA, BLA Enhancer, Glutam, PrugX, PrugX Enhancer. And 3 or 4 each of Reveal, Dtosin, GlioX, Telomerase, Tumorin, RAD, and CSE. This combination tests at 36,600. Elixir Combo 1 of Each has one of each of the following elixirs: BLA, BLA Enhancer, Glutam, PrugX, PrugX Enhancer, Reveal, Dtosin, GlioX, Telomerase, Tumorin, RAD, and CSE. This combination tests at 30,400. Use 1 of each a month. pHenOH taken orally with BLA and Glutam tests at 18,500 energized OH water concentrate that removes acids and toxins, oxygenates, kills cancer cells and pathogens. Use 2 or 3 bottles a month. pH and Cancer BLA, BLA Enhancer and Glutam work together to cause lactic acid to build up in cancer cells. BLA blocks lactic acid elimination from cancer cells so the lactic acid builds up in cancer cells, and they die a natural death. BLA Enhancer and Glutam reduce the ability of cancer cells to neutralize that buildup. Use 1 bottle a month of each of BLA, BLA Enhancer and Glutam when you need to avoid swelling. 2 ounce dropper bottles. pH and Cancer section PrugX and PrugX Enhancer PrugX causes a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells. PrugX Enhancer reduces the ability of the cancer cells to neutralize that buildup. When using the PrugXs, BLAs and Glutam, you get a toxic buildup in cancer cells of hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid that cancer cells cant neutralize. Use1 bottles of each a month when you need to avoid swelling. The Anti-oxidants and Cancer section covers PrugX in detail. Reveal tests at 10,700. Reveal is an elixir that stops expression of the CD47 protein and the nagalase enzyme that hide cancer cells from the immune system cells. Use 3 or 4 bottles a month. Immune System and Cancer Dtosin tests at 9900. This frequency enhanced elixir turns on several processes in cancer cells that cause cancer cell apoptosis or natural cell death. GlioX tests at 9800. This elixir stops several strategies cancer cells use to either protect themselves or grow more aggressively. Immune System and Cancer Telomerase tests at 9800. This elixir prevents cancer cells from producing telomerase enzymes. The causes cancer cell apoptosis. Immune System and Cancer Tumorin tests at 9700. This elixir increases production of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes and reduces production of PD-L1 (because PD-L1 reduces production of immune system cells that fight cancer). RAD tests at 8900 at the lower dosage. This elixir supplies frequencies of low dose radiation to disrupt and kill cancer cells and to stimulate immune system response. Use just 2 per month when you need to avoid swelling. Immune System and Cancer CSE tests at 8600. Use 3, 4, or 5 bottles a month of this elixir. It micro clusters the fluids in your body. In addition, it causes cancer cells to die a natural death because of its low hertz levels. CSE works synergistically with ESME and BLA. pH and Cancer section All the above work synergistically together. If you cant afford to get several bottles a month of each, even the one bottle a month dosage is producing superior results. There are lots of ways to beat cancer. As everyone is different, you dont know what you will need to do to get the job done, and the more vigorously you deal with it, if the supplements are powerful enough, the more likely you will succeed. ESME version NS tests at 13,200. Use 3, 4 or 5 bottles a month. This mineral based elixir has been potentized to kill cancer cells. Immune System and Cancer section Quzu tests at 12400. 2 bottles per month. The energies in it tell your body to create an explosion of endorphin production so the brain can better control the immune system, tell the body to product more glutathione to enhance detoxification, and they boost the cellular life force vibrations per minute to enable your immune system to function even better. Immune System and Cancer section - See more at: cancerfightingstrategies/cancer-fighting-strategies-review.html#sthash.Suk6mGJy.dpuf
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 14:13:19 +0000

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