What Walyas should know a head of the Calabar clash-Nigeria? - TopicsExpress


What Walyas should know a head of the Calabar clash-Nigeria? (Facts that Sewnet Bishaw and his Squad MUST be aware of!!) Saturdays weather forcasted at Calabar( only 99 meter above sea level) Humidity: 85 % Temperature: Max 35 and minimum 24 degree celcious When playing football in hot weather, the heat lost through convection and radiation is minimal thus requiring heat to be dissipated through the evaporation of sweat. In humid conditions the body’s ability to reduce its temperature is further reduced as sweat evaporation is inhibited. The active muscles and the skin are in direct competition for the limited blood supply as the muscles need blood to provide the necessary oxygen and the skin needs blood to facilitate heat loss. Thus, exercising in hot and humid conditions can be dangerous or at least lead to poor performance. The distances run by players have been shown to be markedly reduced when playing in hot conditions. Evidence also shows that the loss in body water can be more than 3.5 litres (compared to 2 litres in normal conditions). As mentioned earlier a loss of 2% in body mass affects match performance and a 5% loss will decrease the ability to exercise by as much as 30%. Wind speed: South to west 6 mile per hour... need to analyze the stadium goal direction against the wind direction All these forcasts will affect players performance. So what we need to do?? Players can help reduce the effects of a hot climate through: Acclimatization: was the best approach we should have chosen (b/c of poverty....where is the money from sponsors and rich people... as it only need 10-14 days to be there for adaptation. Fluid intake: adequate fluid intake before, during and after the game/training will avoid dehydration. Players should be correctly rehydrated before competition and take additional drinks when possible. Before exercise, the players weight should be at its norm. Drink absorption is at its best when mixed to a weak solution of 2.5 % carbohydrate and rehydration drinks should contain sodium. Thirst is a poor indicator of hydration levels and probably indicates that the player is already dehydrated. Judging their efforts: Many tournaments are played in hot and humid temperatures which are likely to affect playing performance. Players should try to judge carefully their efforts over the whole match without exhausting themselves from too much high-intensity exercise too soon in the game. Planning for Training: The coach can judge or measure whether the temperature is too hot for training. Training should not take place in temperatures above 40°C and can be moved to cooler periods (morning/early evening). Plenty of drinks must be made available and exercise intensity levels adjusted accordingly. Training should as well include regular rest periods. Special attention to the conditions must be taken with children when training or playing matches. Clothing/Skin Protection: Clothing should be light colored if possible and made of a lightweight, breathable material so that sweat can evaporate. Football kit soaked in sweat prevents heat loss so should be frequently changed. Sun-block can be used to prevent sunburn.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 08:36:55 +0000

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