What We Need to Bring to Worship #1 We are not talking about just - TopicsExpress


What We Need to Bring to Worship #1 We are not talking about just bringing our Bible, class books, pens, and notebooks to the church assemblies—but also what we bring by way of our attitudes and dispositions of the heart (John 4:23-24). We need to bring what is necessary for true and genuine worship as God directs us to when we are called to worship together. I. Praise and Thankfulness. Praise and thankfulness are two major elements of our worship; both are needed if we are to properly worship. They are connected to one another in that one leads to the other. When we are thankful for what God has done for us—it is then, we can praise Him for all His goodness and greatness. Thus, praising God for who He is and being thankful should go hand in hand in our worship. Israel was told in Psalms 100:4, “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.” They had much to be thankful for in their worship of God! - God blessed and formed the nation of Israel. (Exodus 6:7) - God Led them out of the land of bondage in Egypt. (Exodus 20:2) - God fought their battles and conquered their enemies. (Deut. 20:4) - God gave His people Laws, statues, & judgments to guide them. (Deut. 4:8) - God gave them a land of their own in Canaan. (Exodus 3:17) Paul wrote these words of thanks and praise right after his discourse on the resurrection, victory over death and the grave, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (I Cor. 15:57) We are to be thankful for the victory we have through Christ! - For the wonderful love and grace and mercy of God. (Titus 2:11; Eph. 2:4) - For being a part of the salvation longed for by mankind. (I Peter 1:12) - The wisdom and divine blueprint of the church of Jesus Christ. (Eph. 3:10-11) - The New Testament that guides us in all the ways of God. (Acts 20:32) Praise and thankfulness should be what defines our service and worship of God. Brian Meade
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 18:05:02 +0000

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