What We Really need is…/ Daily Devotional "If my people, which - TopicsExpress


What We Really need is…/ Daily Devotional "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (II Chronicles 7:14).” We must know that the day that we made a profession of faith; we committed to stake our live on Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. At that moment we were called by His name. We are all called, and we must go, share, preach, and teach (Matthew 28:19-22). Even though we are all called it is clear that we won’t all answer His call. Jesus knew it and He said, “For many are called, but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14).” The question is why won’t we answer? For one we don’t want to hear the truth anymore. We want to live our lives the way we want and see fit. The gospel doesn’t match up with our lifestyle so we don’t answer. In other words, we want the fire insurance part of salvation, but not the life changing commitment part of salvation. A second reason we don’t answer is because are too busy. It is true we become so busy with life that we never get around to truly following Jesus. We have every intention to follow, but things just keep coming up. The truth of the matter is; Jesus is not our first priority. We put Him on the back burner so to speak. We take Him for granted; after all He will be there when we get done, right? This attitude has led to us never getting around to answering. The greatest reason that we never answer is because of pride. Pride is blinding.” For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself Galatians 6;3).” We think more highly of ourselves than we ought. We want what we want. We know what we need! We deserve it! Our pride has made us blind to our daily need for Jesus and so we also are blind to the fact that others need Him too. Pride makes our wants seems larger and more important that our true need, the need for Jesus. We can live without a home, a car, electricity, a job, money in the bank, but we can’t live one second without Jesus! “…Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5). Pride actually keeps God’s grace from abounding in our lives. Oh listen what our nation needs, what our state needs, what our community needs, and what we need is… REVIVAL. Not a week or a few days where we invite someone to come preach (a revival meeting) and we gather, sing , listen and feel good for a day or two. That is not revival; that is playing church. We have deceived ourselves and therefore have confused a revival meeting with true revival. What we need is Revival. Revival is God having His way with our hearts and our minds in a stunning, humiliating and yet exalting way in order to draw people to Himself by working from the inside out rather than from the outside in. Revival is when the people of God begin to realize His riches, and act upon them! Revival is when Christians truly understand that we are hopeless, helpless and hell bound without grace and mercy. The problem is that we tend to let God have His way just enough on the outside so that our pride remains intact, but revival is when He totally has His way on the inside. Revival takes humility and leads to a hungering and a thirsting for more and more of the only One who satisfies, God. Revival is where God accelerates, intensifies, and extends the work of grace beyond what we know or have ever seen. It is available every day, but is often overshadowed and smothered by life, pride and a lack of gratitude. Revival is where God give His own, a renewed and power in and over life. It is where the Holy Spirit re-sensitizes the soul to the divine realities of God which leads to a deep-level of response and obedience to God. And the result is faith and repentance, praise and prayer, love and joy, and outreach and sharing. Oh listen Revival is our own personal shower of blessing from God. What we need is revival and we will have it when we humble ourselves through believing what God says instead of what the devil tells us and when we trust the Truth instead of trusting our feelings. Revival will take its place when we pray for His will, we wholeheartedly seek His face, and when we obediently live out His word. What we really need is more of Him and less of me and when that comes to be, revival we will see!
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 14:42:01 +0000

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