What Went Well: 1. Spending a couple of hours this afternoon at - TopicsExpress


What Went Well: 1. Spending a couple of hours this afternoon at Pioneer Square for the Biggest Toastmasters Meeting. Turn-out wasnt quite as big as we hoped, but those who did attend had a wonderful time. The speeches were so good. A Dutch woman who is a professional story teller and visiting Portland for just three days asked if she could tell a story. Toastmaster of the hour Cleon Cox was able to adjust the agenda. She told a wonderful story about shining your light on the world. 2. Made my new favorite dessert - Raspberry Napoleons - I am getting better and better at it. 3. PropellHer accepted another one of my blog articles. It will run at the end of September.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 02:32:41 +0000

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