What Would Jesus Do? Training to think this way is hard. In - TopicsExpress


What Would Jesus Do? Training to think this way is hard. In any situation if we ask Jesus what would He do and then have so much self control to do it, it will begin to change everything about us. It is all in the Bible what He would do. One character trait in Him that I really want is to remain calm and relaxed during storms and trials; when we feel like the world is crumbling. Matthew 8:24-25 NIV Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” Jesus was sleeping... There were situations in my life which was so troubling, it was tough to sleep. Situations where I panicked and overreacted. It led to so many mistakes, anger, and impatience. What would Jesus do? The answer is so simple with his vision; dont be afraid and have faith. Matthew 8:26 NIV He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. It is so easy to preach, but so hard to practice. I am preaching to myself. So the next time we are faced with a storm (anything that may cause panic or over reaction) - we think about this story and remain calm ok? God will come through. What would Jesus do? There was one time I used this, and it was awesome. Serving in an outreach ministry, this guy wanted to use the staff washroom which was off limits to the public. So I let him. People over reacted and questioned me about letting the guy use the washroom. My reply was what would Jesus do? Then everything was ok. What would Jesus do if there was a fire? If there was a guy on the street who was begging for food, if someone got under our skin, if someone hurt us.... Things that Jesus would do: Have faith in God Do not be afraid Forgive the sin and keep no records Pray and fast Correct with love Can be upset/angry but at the same time - does not sin Go away and have quiet time with God Rest and sleep So what ever the circumstances are, ask the question What would Jesus do?, and make sure you listen to His voice. Satan will speak to you too to try and confuse you. When you are confused, fast and pray, slow things down and ask for confirmation. Confirmation are strong signs which will indicate which direction to go. I was a workaholic and needed to quit one job. It took a very long time to figure it out. Then the Lord gave me a strong confirmation which one to let go off. I was not happy because it was my favorite job. But it was the right decision. Six months later it turns out, I would have been laid off because the business was not doing so good. What would Jesus do? Thank Jesus for being our guide, continue to show us the way, help us relax and remain calm in all situations, strengthen our comfort levels, patience, slow to anger, help us see clearly and increase our faith that the plans you have for all of us, which we might not agree with at first, leads us to so much peace and joy. In Jesus Name Amen Please hit the share button if this message speaks to you. God Bless You All
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 12:54:37 +0000

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