What You Believe Creates Your Illusion This message may ruffle - TopicsExpress


What You Believe Creates Your Illusion This message may ruffle some feathers since Im going to directly address a very popular new age belief, and Im not planning on being very nice to it. The kind of people who dont want their beliefs to be challenged are the kind of people who cling to fragile and weak belief systems. These are the people who need to challenge their beliefs the most if they want to grow and evolve. Beware of getting too comfortable while walking the path, if thats the case youve probably stopped walking. Everything you believe needs to really be looked at, not just unconsciously accepted. First, Ill talk about in what sense the belief that your beliefs create your reality is true. For most people, theres no clear difference between their personal illusion and the larger reality. As far as they can tell, their personal illusion is reality. Thats all that they can see, so their beliefs, which do shape their personal illusion, appear to affect all of reality. So long as you equate your reality with your separate illusion, then yes, your beliefs create your reality. Personally, it seems a bit insane to me to not make any distinction between reality and illusion, which is the denial of reality. I wouldnt pretend those terms are interchangeable, those two are as different as different can be. When Im talking about reality, Im talking about God and Love, Im talking about the much bigger Universe that goes far beyond the tiny human world. There is no reality separate from God, yet your beliefs can create the illusion that youre separate from God. This reveals the illusionary nature of the mind and its beliefs. Reality doesnt need any beliefs to be witnessed, its easiest to see when the mind is silent and the Being Is Present. Theres no my reality or your reality, you dont own reality. I wouldnt even say you own your beliefs, as its probably more accurate to say that they own you. The whole idea of ownership is a dualistic illusion. You only appear to have your own reality because your mind filters out and rejects what doesnt conform to its beliefs. Reality is something we all share together. The your beliefs create your reality belief is quite easy to accept for most people because thats how they already operate. Most peoples whole reality (separate illusion), is already made up of their beliefs. They believe what they believe is real, and the only useful thing that comes from the your beliefs create your reality belief is some realization of what theyre doing. The danger is that they believe their separate illusion really is reality and they just continue to play in illusion instead of looking further. The mind wants to be right, it needs to be right. In its quest to always be right, it created the belief that whatever the mind believes is reality. This means that no matter what the mind believes, its always true, the mind always gets to be right. When put in this context, doesnt the insanity of your beliefs create your reality become quite clear? Its the way murderers, rapists, thieves, warmongers, and racists, all the people you may call evil, already operate. They believe theyre justified in doing what they do, which is why they do it. They believe what they believe is the reality. If you want to retard your own growth, if you want to believe you know it all, if you want to arrogantly believe youre never wrong, then your beliefs create your reality is for you. Its an amazing tool for creating an impenetrable shield of ignorance around your beliefs. If, however, you want to see beyond your limited beliefs, I dont recommend believing it at all. Note that Im being very careful to not rigidly define reality here, I only equated Reality to God and Love. If I did give reality a static definition, people would just turn that into another belief. The Truth of God is something you need to realize for yourself, its not something somebody else can teach you. It must be realized Within, not looked for without.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 02:58:00 +0000

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