What You Dont Know Wont Kill You Part 1 🌟Selenas POV🌟 - TopicsExpress


What You Dont Know Wont Kill You Part 1 🌟Selenas POV🌟 Bam, a punch landed in the middle of my face. Ka Pow, another landed on my stomach. My face filled will tear as i held my stomach, rolling up in a ball. Stop, youre going to hurt my baby! I pleaded trying to save my unborn child from this monster. He rose his fist up to take another hit when all the sudden..... Miss Finley.. My math teacher placed her hand on my back, wakening me from my dream. I pick my head up off my desk and looks down at my shirt and run my hand across my forehead. Sweat. It was all a dream... But was it really? Miss Finley, please see me after class.. Mrs. Smith stated to me and everyone looked at me. I sighed and replied by giving a small nod. BIIIINNNNGG... The bell rang, moments later it was Mrs. Smith and myself. Eye to eye. I rose up out of my desk and grabs my Pink book bag off the back of my desk.. Selena, ive been noticing youve been falling asleep alot lately in my class. Is everything alright at home? I took a deep breathe and thought to myself, What she doesnt know wont kill her... Yes Mrs. S, everything at home is fine. May i leave? I ask politily, throwing my book bag over my shoulder. Mrs. Smith smiled and nodded at me. Go on Baby. Have a great weekend. I could tell she didnt believe me, and she wasnt gonna give up. I walked out class room 217 into the crowded hall ways of Lincoln High. I look to my right, there stood the goths . I turn my head to the left, the Jocks. I make eye contact with August Alsina. Yes, the Captian of the Football team. He smiles at me, showing me all those pearly whites. I smile back and walk away. The last thing on my mind was boys. Moments later i spy my younger brother, Quincy in the crowd and shots him my famous, one of a kind smile. I love my baby brother so much. Bring that ass her boi, I yell to him and he smiles, walking over to me. Can you give me a ride to Ms. Sinteks house, then home pleaseeee? I give him my puppy dog eyes, the one he cant stand. He groans a little before agreeing, Fine. I smiled and pecked his cheek. Grabbing his hand, we both run out to his Chystler 3000 and get in. Pulling out of our school parking lot. What yall think? Keep or delete? 10+ like and 3+ comments for next chapater. -LoveYourselfFirst
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 19:33:50 +0000

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