What You Receive: Your vedic chart alignment mailed to you in a - TopicsExpress


What You Receive: Your vedic chart alignment mailed to you in a doc file format with the basic points of your planetary position mailed to you for your reference Your basic transit forecast alignment is also attached for frame of reference so you know the time zones of the differing changes of the dates, months upcoming and as that has been on the past Deep soul known and knowing rooted alchemy of your true self Your star realm system connection and their alignment The star root homes you come from and parts of your true soul purpose and mission Your emotional nature and the core roots to your happiness-what you must do and maintain, to keep tending to your bliss Your emotional needs, core wounds and real calling in relationship, knowing, understanding and developing the matured growth needed in maintaining inner outer as well as intimate relating The transit forecast or the different time line zones near and immediate that is coming, what to expect from them, how to be prepared The karmic cycle you have endowed in this lifetime and how to get liberation from that, your karma roots and duty calls here What your different houses, placements and planetary alignment show you to be aware, understand more and be deeply tuned in to the different aspects of your nature What the challenges are in your particular dimension and what can come from it Your zone of wealth, how your money and abundance would come the best, what must be done to align the forces of your fullness and genius Knowing the different active chakra and house balance areas or your different energy zones and life areas, what you learn and need to balance from there, what you receive etc Understanding about the different relationships in your life, familiar, karmic, outer world and inner realms Understanding the core aspects of your inner and outer planets Your Vedic Nakshatra alignment or your star root realm system and how they influence the different aspects of your core reality What you are to expect and take upon your path through the different stages of your life time changes, the transits influencing your purpose, works, relationships etc. These help you be better prepared for life changes and get ready on your game Knowing about health issues, ayurvedic dosa type and understanding weaknesses or anything you need to be prepared of Understanding the aspects of potential or current partner, work situations, travel, business aspects, what you must know of them, are ready to face and develop further. These help with transit forecast alignment also in terms of who we may attract, tenure of relationships or specific works, travels, areas of traveling, losses or gains in business, etc.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 07:27:31 +0000

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