“What a Bunch of Wagons We Have Running This Country” Says - TopicsExpress


“What a Bunch of Wagons We Have Running This Country” Says Independent Candidate Seamus Kirwan. Independent Local Election candidate Seamus Kirwan says that phantom post office closures are causing unnecessary distress to communities especially to older citizens. Pensioners are being told that their “post office is closing”. According to latest statements from Fine Gael and Labour “The government has no plan to close post offices”. It has come to light during the week that there were internal rumblings within government, between Fine Gael and Labour about who was to blame for alleged proposed closures. One email from Fine Gael, pointed the finger of blame at Labour, then Labour threatened an early General Election if things weren’t straightened out and quickly so. Then we had Fianna Fail jumping on the band wagon and hyping the situation up to heights in their efforts at political point scoring. “Tarnish the opposition at all costs”, appears to be their only focus. Mr Kirwan says that “these guys would shave their mother’s heads if it scored a political point or two, they are lethal”. Their attitude appears to be, “make the headlines, make the 9 o’clock news at all costs, score the point and to hell with the consequences for anyone else”, and all of this at a time when all of these major parties have played their own major parts in bringing our economy to its knees. This is yet another example of how our major parties have little regard for their electorate. Mr. Kirwan says that, as there is little difference in the aims, objectives and abilities of these parties, it would be more in their line to take a sabbatical on the political point scoring and focus on what the country needs for its recovery, namely, job creation for starters. They claim to have created 62,000 jobs up to last April, but the general public are not in the least convinced by this figure. “I for one” says Mr Kirwan, “was one of those 62,000 who became self employed in the period in question, but unfortunately due to the atrocious state of the economy, unfortunately it was not possible for me to make a living from my chosen path, ie. Property Maintenance”. “Oh yes, there is work out there”, claims Mr. Kirwan, “but getting paid is another matter altogether. Then again, pricing jobs can nearly be a fulltime job also these days. I and many others know what it is like to travel around for hours, continuously price jobs, only to not get the job in the long run, but yet nobody else gets the job either as the client may not actually have the funds to get the required work done in the first place. From this particular effort at creating employment for myself, I took the opportunity to try my hand at running a laundrette, but yet again the figures didn’t stack up. I put in the time and effort, and I have the know how, but unfortunately the mess that our major parties have made of our economy took its toll, and unfortunately the electorate do not have the disposable income at the moment to support many of these alleged 62,000 jobs, a large proportion of which are purported to be self-employed positions. Many will tell you that they don’t believe Government figures as most of what they see on FAS website are internships, which may give someone some little experience over a 9 month period but eventually the majority of the people taking up these internships only end up back on the dole at the end of the internship. The only ones really gaining in such a scenario are many of the companies availing of the free or cheap labour that such schemes provide. This particular topic is only scratching the surface of much that is wrong in our communities. The key solution to many problems for communities is the creation of proper long term sustainable real jobs, not internships, which appear to be the be all and end all of Government efforts to date. I would like to call on our major Political parties to put their childish political point scoring games to one side, forget their schoolyard pranks and schemes and come together as one to find solutions to the problems they created for their electorate. Their focus needs to come away from their Civil War stance with one another, and concentrate on what is best for the electorate and the country as a whole. Their boundaries were set at a time when their party founders and members fought, shot, bombed and killed one another, and to this day these same parties cannot seem to concentrate on what is best for the good of the state, its people and its economy. Those heroes of our civil war from all sides must be turning in their graves at where these parties have brought us to as a state and a Republic. It’s long past time that these parties grew up and put first things first, and by that I do not mean themselves and their gravy train. They need to respect those who died so that these public representatives of today could have their freedom and hold very privileged positions as public representatives, a point continually lost on representatives at both national and local level. The state of our economy and the continued wasting of very scarce funds in the exchequer needs to be remedied sooner rather than later. This message must go to the powers that be, through their local representatives, from grass roots to the elite at the top who have lost all sense and reason to their positions of supposedly representing their people. I know the people of Offaly will certainly send that message to the top in this years local elections on May 23rd. People power can win the day, Vote Independent, VOTE No.1 Seamus Kirwan.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:08:06 +0000

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