What a Year We Had Together! It has been quite a year at In - TopicsExpress


What a Year We Had Together! It has been quite a year at In Defense of Animals, and you, our kind supporters, have been with us every step of the way. Every life saving rescue, every advocacy effort, every time we have given a voice to the voiceless, our supporters have been with us. We hope that you enjoy our year in review video and we hope that it reminds you of the value of your support and of the value of the work that we do for animals on your behalf each and every day. Your support has meant that 17 innocent horses did not starve to death in the freezing cold of this winter’s polar vortex. Your kind donations have gone to work mobilizing activists and advocating for elephants like Bamboo and Chai, who have spent their long and lonely lives living in the cramped isolation at one of America’s worst zoos. Your support has meant that helpless dogs and cats, such as Gracie and Cleo, who would have been cruelly butchered for “magic health tonic” in the dog and cat meat markets of South Korea, are instead living lives filled with love and care. Your generous support has provided the means by which dozens of dogs and cats in the rural south were rescued from horrible situations of hoarding, criminal abuse, and neglect. All of these precious animals were rescued and most were then adopted into new homes filled with love and adoration, or are getting the love and help they need at our sanctuaries. Because of our gracious supporters, feral cat colonies across the country are being kindly tended to and are provided food and veterinary care. This past year, every day at In Defense of Animals has brought us new stories of hope and triumph as we boldly face some of the worst that humanity and the world has to offer. Please watch and share our year in review video and we hope that it inspires you, as it does us, to work even harder in the upcoming year.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 03:30:01 +0000

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