What a beautiful sleep! I went to Buffalo Eddy last evening, - TopicsExpress


What a beautiful sleep! I went to Buffalo Eddy last evening, baptized myself in the cool water and was renewed! I gave thanks to Creator and this spiritual place. This place of so much meaning to the Nimiipuu. Four years ago, my daughter drove me to this place, softly told me the story of this place, as I wept, not sure how I was to go on living. I lost my marriage of 34 years, the love of my life, and a way of living ( I wasnt always happy with, but it was all I knew since I was 19). I was out of my mind with grief, I was inconsolable, my heart broken into a million pieces! As I sat and cried, I became aware of the power of this place. My tears stopped as I felt the strength of my ancestors. I was humbled, almost embarrassed. How could I cry for myself when my ancestors had endured real tragedy, as they warred and ran, men, women, children and elders, fighting for the right to exist, fighting for their lives! How dare I! After all my ancestors did for me to be here today! And last night I returned, the first time in 4 years. I was so grateful to sit alongside the river and feel my strength and power, to know the power I have today came from this place, and my ancestors, and the love of my family and friends. To know I am once again whole, my mind is back, my heart healed. And I am strong and will survive and persevere and I must! I must have power, strength, character, and never give up, because this is what I leave for my grandchildren. I am only one part of this Circle of Life! What a beautiful way to wake up! Thank You!
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 14:31:24 +0000

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