What a bunch of racists? How dare these whites gather together and - TopicsExpress


What a bunch of racists? How dare these whites gather together and defend themselves, their cultural identity, and their communities. What a bunch of nazis? Says the idiots who think being proud of ones heritage especially when they are white is inherently racist (not talking about neonazis or those who see white as superior, that would be the definition of racism). Now that is a perfect segue into the next topic. These muslims attacking whites in the name of their prophet have a huge dilemma now. That being if muslim purport to being a race then they actually espouse the most racist and dangerous ideology on this planet. It is no longer religious but rather a racist worldview no different from the Nazis which says that muslims are the superior race. It says thst arabic is the perfect divine language, that having a muslim heritage is superior, that embracing islamic culture and laws is pefect for the world, etc. Peaceful no? This is NOT militant islam but it IS Islam. ISLAM desires an entire global muslim community governed under Sharia law and those who are not Muslim must convert or die, unless of course they are Christian or Jews (aka people of the Book), they will let us live so long as we pay a hefty tax. You dont believe me because you have met some individal nice Muslims and thus impose your subjective experiences on all of Islam, ok. Study the various caliphates and islamic empires, look at life under sharia in saudi arabia, qatar, yemen, various indonesian countries, islamic communities all over europe (like Rotterdam where 1600 white girls were gang raped by muslim men over 16yrs), in austrailia, study how they like their prophet have been trying to impose sharia law. Islam is a political ideology no different than communism, nazism, fascism, etc. which desires the world to submit to and follow it. Oh but your friend is so nice, try converting him to Christianity see how nicely his/her community will receive their newfound faith and you the person who led them to this faith. Or tell them that islam is not the true faith, see how nicely they continue to treat you when you outright reject Islam and their prophet. Oh thats right americans dont like to discuss politics and religion because that is too divisive. Good thing islam combines the two into one which is why no one wants to talk about it.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 09:26:39 +0000

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