What a change is made in a life of one who serves The Lord - TopicsExpress


What a change is made in a life of one who serves The Lord faithfully. This is another of those times that a parent experiences Joy in their Posterity. Elder Talon Sweetens last letter as a full time missionary. What a wonderful two years it has been! Well my cup runneth over... My eyes kind of want to too. I get that from Mom and Dad :) It is hard to express in words the feelings that are in my heart and I pray that the Lord grants me with His spirit so that I might do so. This is my last email I will be sending as a full-time missionary for the Lords church, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Oh how great the glory of God! How great is his wisdom and mercy! I love Him so very much... He is my Father in Heaven. In recent times I have been looking back on my experiences that I have had the past couple years. At the beginning of this step I had in mind what it was going to be like. I had visions of glory and honor in the Lords Kingdom. I knew none of it was mine but that I was simply a tool in Gods hands to help bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. My scripture that I had put on my plaque; Alma 29: 1-2 started that vision of mine to proclaim the gospel with the trump of God! With power to shake the earth! That was what I wanted to experience. Now more than then the scripture that comes after, vs 3, stands out to me. But behold, I am a man, and do sin in my wish. For I ought to be content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto me. I am now content. Not complacent mind you but content. The Lord has given me so much! The Knowledge and wisdom I feel I have never felt before! I pray that what is in me can stay forever. I do however realize that my time with this mantle is short. I will no longer be set apart from the world but I have promised God that I will stand apart from the world and set myself on a hill so that all who see the light my father gives me and have the desire to come closer to their Lord and Savior may do so. I have had many experiences on this journey of mine. All of which I appreciate and am still growing from. Ive seen peoples lives completely change. Someone that says I am never going to get baptized in your church and then does because they come to know that it is true. There is so much I wish to express but time will not allow me to! This I will say though, I know with every ounce of my soul, with every bit of matter and intelligence that is in me, that Jesus is the Christ. That He really did accomplish the impossible. He is the only way to true and everlasting happiness. I know that He is at the head of this church. That man is nothing and that we make mistakes, that is to be expected so that we may learn and grow. Never EVER let anything a man (or woman) ever says or does to you keep you from actively participating and receiving the blessings that your Heavenly Father wants you to have. Come what may, and love it. Come unto Him all ye that are with burdens greater than you have strength and He shall make all the difference. Lift up your heads and rejoice! You have a God who loves you! He is not there to scare you! Fear him out of respect for your maker and He will give you such blessings that you will not have room enough to receive it :) I love you all so much! Thank you for everything you have done for me! I would not be here or be who I am without you. See you when I see you :) Elder Talon Nephi Sweeten
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 13:21:34 +0000

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