What a couple of days here! whew!! TGIF has a whole new meaning - TopicsExpress


What a couple of days here! whew!! TGIF has a whole new meaning lol good news first I have my laptop back from the repair shop! yay!! feels like its been forever! Haha! In Jordan news its been an eventful couple of days. I have a date for her annual IEP review, which is the 1st week of February. For the most part I am happy with IEP as it was modified a couple months ago, but I am asking for something new. For her to be bussed now. Jordan has been carpooling with a neighbor n other kids, but that situation has while convenient, is no longer what is best for her. Jordan is my priority and things that have gone on over the last yr.. have just been too much and then effects her school day, her ability to learn at school, and her evenings after school. Not fair to her regardless of how convenient it may be. Jordan is not thrilled about riding a school bus, but.. this will eliminate the problems she has had, lowering her stress and anxiety before and after school, and also ensure that she has a way to school everyday that school is open. Now, onto what I believe whole heartedly absence seizures. I am still watching them, havent been able to get them on video.. yet. Today she had an ABA session with therapist M and it was going overall pretty well for 1st 2 out of 3 hrs.. Then it got strange and Jordan was there but unresponsive for a couple mins. Afterwards.. her entire demeanor changed. She wasnt happy, energetic, or interested in doing anything besides laying down. So, therapist M n I let her lay on the couch, sitting up when she felt up to it, and they talked n played quiet, calm games the remainder of the time. As soon as M left, she headed straight for bed.. Anyone that knows Jordan knows she is a ball of energy from the time she gets up till bedtime.. she stayed in bed, watching some YouTube, ate some dinner.. n went right to sleep.. I hate watching these episodes for her.. :( We have a 3 day weekend with Martin Luther King Jr bday Monday, and one more ABA 4 hr session tomorrow morning. Then hoping she can rest a bit before going back to school :D
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 05:59:44 +0000

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