What a crazy up and down day Ive had. My roommate totally sucked - TopicsExpress


What a crazy up and down day Ive had. My roommate totally sucked but my nurses were amazing and had me moved away from her. So begins my story of Carmen.... Ex roommate Whiner Fake diabetic ...ing soom to a status near you.... literally! Its right below us! Ha! It took me 30 minutes to write this....and I thoroughly enjoyed it because she truely was a martyr to the MAX! I wish there was a way to have her see just how awful and negative she is. I bet she sees herself as this sweet little victim. She at one point actually said oh no reason to pity me, I stay positive and never complain I remember thinking, who ever said Id pity you? And why the hell should I? lol The whole floor knew how ridiculous this lady was. She had the whole oh woah is me whiney negative attitude that reminded me of Eeyore from Winny the Pooh! That is, if Eeyore was a sloppy 275 pound woman that lied about having diabetes AND LOUDLY spoke out about her colonoscopy because no one could hear her over her TV playing a movie she wasnt really following but enjoyed listening to UGH! She started making up accusations about neglect from the nurses. So I started writing notes to the nurses and the nursing supervisors that she was full of crap lol (You cant really whisper about stuff like that in a shared room) One time, my nurse accidentally started reading it out aloud not realizing it was about my roommates craziness....!!!!!...haha close call! Now. Heres the scoop the issue.....these complaints, started to fabricate more and more as early morning suddenly turned to afternoon qnd I found myself outside in todays beautiful weather writing in my journal and reflecting on my anger that started brewing in my gutt. You see, Im what psychologists like to refer to as *a fixer*. You dont need a psych degree to gather up in your mind exactly what that title means. Long story short.....well now that i look at it.......Long story a little longer....haha... I HATE when lonely, bored, suburban housewives (or anyone bored and rude and inconsiderate for that matter) dont think twice about customer service complaints and what EXACTLY they mean to a company. An inexperienced supervisor.....hell even one with years of experience but decades of ignorance....that cant see through bullshit (aka Yelp reviews) can instantly lose all confidence in an employee. Thanks to her co-workers (and partly me vouching for her as well) its extremely unlikey that Carmens ONE complaint would have cost her her job, but what if it did? I mean, she had SO many different fabricated lies about the poor girl that if these accusations were true, I wouldnt be surprised if they let her go! HELL! ID LET HER GO! BUT! I was there! I saw first hand that she was a great nurse, not perfect, but doing what she could as quickly as could!! Nobody can take care of every patient perfectly! Things come up, you can be pulled away for a momen......its like when i worked in the hospitality industry serving tables, tending bar, cocktailing......just because youre not visible, doesnt mean youre not working your ass off. Theres always work to be done, no matter where you work.....would you rather her sit by your bed and hold your hand!? Actually, Eeyore probably expected it.....gross I can still hear her voice aaaaaaa I would like a wittle iiiiice cream toooooo....oooooo youre soooooooo sweet, so much bettttur than my nuuuurse.....Saaaaaara Ima pray for you, thats what ima dooooo Sara....ahhhhh will you pray for meeeee!? I might nowt maaaaake it. My nurse abandoned me! Barf! You what really grinds my gears!? Carmen could care less that her personal issues could potentially affected this womans whole life! Many people live paycheck to paycheck and rely on their jobs...., unemployment doesnt just magically appear on the dinner table for single moms. Think of how many nurses are single moms!? Seriously!!?? Okay, so Im fishing a bit and getting off track, but this is reality .Of course I chimed in and spoke to the supervisor privately. Between me and the other nurses I think the complaint will be recorded, but thats about it....even the most simple minded person could put 2 and 2 together. Yes, its true, some nurses have become a bit numb to things, but that doesnt mean they dont care. It also doesnt mean all nurses are saints either.....BUT cranky or sweet, slow moving or scatterbrained......I dont care what specific character flaw a nurse may have, they all have one thing in common, the need to help. *The fixers* *The healers* .....you name it. You cant just decide to work in this field and think oh, this is what I want to do for awhile, Ill maintain my bills and put food on the table, and work overtime here and there. Lol It just doesnt work that way, and I stand by this statement as being black and white, period. My nurse last night had to work double time because the woman was so high maintenance. She felt ENTITLED! Graham Crackers, apple juice, eye covers, ear plugs....etc. gimme gimme gimme gimme! Turn this, push that, blah blah aaaazck. Then she claimed she needed a breathing treatment because of the way I smelled..lol..I was affecting her COPD....now I sit here, in another room. Falling asleep as I write. Reminding myself of how lucky I am. Lucky that wasnt a martyr. Blessed with a sense of humor, capable of recognizing beauty in most everything. And kind enough to not punch Carmen in the face when she acted like a giant turd to a bunch of giant hearted nurses, and me.....lol
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 04:44:57 +0000

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