What a day...I am alive! This is my third day at the beautiful - TopicsExpress


What a day...I am alive! This is my third day at the beautiful resort (SARATOGA HOSPITAL). Do not take life for granted!!! My experience has been horrifying to say the least. When my heart decided to race and not stop...I became a little worried and decided to get to my doctor...this experience has changed my way of life and thinking. My heart rate over 150 and not going down for hours...my blood pressure very low...I could not survive at this pace for very long...the doctor decided that instead of an ambulance...my daughter would be the best way to get me to the ER... this also kept my alarm rate to a minimum, if possible. She has been by my side and never left me for the past couple of days...She has been my Angel and comfort...I faced many EKGs...did not know there was so many heart tests...more blood work than you can imagine...waking me this morning at 5:30 for more...leaving me with bright colored bruises all over. Every heart test you can imagine...vitals taken all the time...having been moved to my third room...now in the cardiac unit. Needles in my stomach to fend off blood clots and the worry of a stroke. A fib is not much fun and your whole life takes a complete turn around...very mind altering. The cardiac doctors will be in today...after running more tests...a few tears spent wondering what would happen to me...preparing my daughter with the what if the unexpected happens stuff...not a fun thing to do. As all of you women know...modesty goes right out the window when in the hospital...have not had a shower in three days and am ready for soap and water...will never take my morning shower for granted again. Wont take my meals for granted again...will not take being home in my own bed for granted again...will not take the fact that I can get in my car and drive where I want again...the list goes on and on. This is the one place that me (Thelma) Sandy did not bring her camera...recording this is not something I would want. For those of you who are my good friends...I thank you for all you have meant to me and done for me...I hope to continue our cherished connection. My life was at risk...knowing this, brought me to a closer relationship with God...we speak of different things now. My prayers have changed...my heart is open and God determines my fate...As I said to Him...I really want to go to heaven, but not today! Friends...it is true...life is a gift...use it wisely...dont take one minute for granted. I pray I can go home to my cat and my apartment and start to live life in a different way than I was before. For my daughter...I could not ask for better care and love ... she was there every minute...helping me to keep strong...make me laugh and just knowing that she loved me. This has been a very long and probably boring to read post. Take good care of yourselves and thank you again for being my friends....Prayers always needed and gratefully accepted. (Thelma, Sandy) Miss you, Louise I thought about you a lot...For Todd and Laura...thank you for your concern...Joyce...will look forward to seeing you soon. Letha...take care...God Bless....Oh....I cant forget the most wonderful and exceptional people in the world...my nurses...they gave hugs...words of comfort and are new friends they were the best...you are very special people! As you know, I left this site...thank you friends for coming over to the new one I am working on. God Bless!
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 11:10:36 +0000

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