What a day! I am drained emotionally. I completed my eight week - TopicsExpress


What a day! I am drained emotionally. I completed my eight week program with a 4 pound loss putting my total weight loss at 38. 2 lbs and a total of 31 1/8 inches lost I was awarded 1st place in Team REDs 8 week competition! It is truly an honor! I must say that it feels good to know I lost that much weight and inches, but it is what I gained in these 8 weeks that makes me happy and healthy! I gained an amazing Fitfam that pushes me to accomplish my goals every single moment of every single day. I have built an amazing sense of self. Ive found that it is not selfish, but rather bettering myself to be able to properly love and care for all others in my life. I am HAPPY and HEALTHY. I feel great! I couldnt have done it without my husband and best friend, Jon Anderson, who showed me and urged me to send in my Im ready statement. He was there for the interview and the decision that this was the program and kick in the butt I needed to find myself again. He is also my biggest supporter! He has bent over backward to ensure that I made as many of the group workouts as possible, every weigh-in, and anything related to my health and wellness. He stepped up to the plate and took care of our 3 children. Once in the program, I couldnt have done it without my Team RED! Each one of you has infiltrated my heart Sandy Hill you are an inspiration and motivation. You helped me every step of the way! Kim Kobe, you became my workout buddy! Our trio(Kim, Heather and Mark Nuss)was the fire I needed to push a little harder with every workout! I look forward to many more workouts! Jamie Otto, you were always there to listen and we were there for each other since our first workout at the Ranch! Well always have our killer Zumba class as well Angie Rogers Sherwood, you are the cardio queen. I enjoyed seeing your puns and jokes and pics with Maverick! I also felt a connection to you as we both have lost a parent recently and how that effects our physical, emotional and spiritual health. Thank you for sharing with me and listening to me! Last, but not least is Dee Anna Kelley! Once a member of Team RED, always a member! You were so funny and SO ready! I cant wait for you to heal because I want to see you come back and rock this program, as I know you can! You are strong! Size Matters, you are our fellow group and I cant wait to see your results. You are doing great and it will be a great day next Saturday! Finish strong! Quiet Thunder- you are rocking it and youre only in your 2nd week now! So proud and cant wait to continue to see your successes! I have also met so many other Sweaties along the journey that make me proud and inspire me to succeed! I could keep writing for days! Thank you to everyone for your support! This is the end of the 8 week program, but just the beginning of Happy, Healthy Heather!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 04:01:31 +0000

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