What a day. Overslept, then discovered quite soon that - TopicsExpress


What a day. Overslept, then discovered quite soon that one of our two indoor/outdoor keekees had an abcess infested with maggots on his butt. He has long hair and has evidently not been cleaning himself well over the past some weeks. He lays low... when we brought him in the other day he had BEYOND a dingleberry issue going on. I put him in the dry tub and cut away as much as I could before bathing him, which was not very easy as he was quite combative and I had nobody helping me. I towel dried him and haphazardly put coconut oil on the area. Thinking that some sun and fresh air would be good, as he prefers to spend his time in our climate-controlled garage, I took him outside with me to further dry off. He scampered away and sat under the car for awhile. This morning, when we brought him in again, I went to check on the wound. MAGGOTS. Dozens and dozens of maggots writhing all around his poor inflamed posterior. I panicked and sprayed the area with peroxide. I freaked about not being able to afford emergency vet care. But I could not let him suffer any longer...so to the vet ER we went. He is staying overnight. They have been administering pain meds, IV antibiotics, IV fluids. Constant observance of his vitals. He will be sedated and catheterized and shaved down, maggots irrigated away, before surgical debridement of the wound. Depending on the severity, I will be transferring him from there to Dr.Jack at Church Hill Animal Hospital (my regular vet). I felt like such an abominable sack of shit for this hapening to him. He is suffering for lack of my diligence in his care. Dr. Krause was very nice and kept reminding me that this kind of thing just happens sometimes. She said that she has 11 (??!) cats and that this has happened to her before, and she was distraught becuse I am a VET for crying out loud! Fortunately I qualified for Care Credit on the spot. This may run around $1000, but my goal is to pay it off in 6 months interest-free. I feel guilty and I am being hard on myelf, but even moreso my heart aches for him and the pain and stress he is dealing with because of my lack of attention. The day of work I am missing tomorrow would have been equivalent to a monthly bill payment for Moki. Always learning lessons the Shit way...
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:29:13 +0000

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