What a day. Sitting in my room I hear my husband choking like - TopicsExpress


What a day. Sitting in my room I hear my husband choking like something went down the wrong pipe. As he was choking he was also yelling at the kids. Next thing you knew I heard a loud bang. Thinking he tripped and fell on a toy I quickly head for the living room to fing my husband convulsing. He fell backwards and landed and broke my dining room table. I rushed to his side and grab him and yell his name and if he is okay in time for him to come to and look at me funny. He was confused for a minite as to why he was sitting on the ground. I made him sit long enough to see if anything was hurt. He swore he was fine. As time went on he conplained of arms going numb so I instantly said time for you to go in to be safe. All the while I was a basket case worried sick something bad was going happened to him. 5 hrs later and many testing everything is normal and dr said he just lost oxygen for a few seconds making him loose consiouness and faint. Got him home, fed him and now its time for him to get a goods nights rest. I thank lord it was nothing serious, he is healthy and home laying next to me. But it did open our eyes, time to start eating better and living a better life. Soon no more smoking and no more soda and junk. So I gues everything happens for a reason.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 06:10:09 +0000

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